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SPECIAL '.-.ARRANTY DEBD <br />STATE OF T.EY:AS j <br />COUI4TY Or LAWaR j <br />4' + <br />KNt7W ALL MEN BY 1'33&~E PRT±;SE1`TTSt <br />Tf3AT the City of Paris, a muaieipal aorporation of the :atate <br />of Texas, for and in consideraticn of 41.00 and the aasumption by <br />arantee of a11 the obligatioas imposed upon transferror, with re- <br />spect to the proparty transferred herein, by transfer instruinent <br />exeauteci by the United Statee of }imericn, setiag by and through <br />"har aasaeta ~;dministrator to tue City of ~'aris, 7'eaaz., and dated <br />February 25, 1949, such deed being reaorded in the deed record8 of <br />Lamu.r County, `Peza:, anc3 the further cansideration that the ;rantes <br />will maintain said progerty at all tines in goad and serviceable <br />aondition to assure its efftaisnt aperation and subject to all of <br />the reser'atians, restrictions, conditions and aovenente coutaiaed <br />in the aPoresaicl instrument at Februaxy 25, 19499 has granted, bar- <br />gainad, sold, conveyed and delirered, aad by thQSe prssents aoes <br />hereby Giijxl!'"'. BARG:,IN, SL+LLp G(7E'9`E'Y 1%-U DILIV1411 unto 'i'exeLs Power & <br />Liglit Company, & corpcratipn of the Stave of Texas, the follviing <br />deseribed garsonal property v$ithin the baundaries of wh8t is knowa <br />as Coa .:irfield, in i.s.rar County, Teaae, to-tvit s <br />A11 of the single and three•phase primary and <br />secondary overhead sleatria distributian Paeili- <br />tisel iacluding bat not limited to$ a21 transFor- <br />mere, lightning arreatera, goles, wires, switc:ies, <br />crosaarms, iasulators, down duy asaemblles, T3Ck8, <br />strost lighting tf,xtareffi an8 esrviae wires. <br />Together rrith an eaeemont on the Citq's property in the Cox <br />«irtield in Lmmar County, `I'eaeE, iQr the maintenanae and operetion <br />of the overhead electric distribution t'acilitiss as now located <br />thereon ana Pcar the conBtructlon, snaintenance and operation of any <br />eatsntioneous'eatentions thereto. <br />Grantee eovenante and egrees with grantor: <br />l. That the eleotriQ distributf.on systeL1 and facilitieB :aerein <br />Qonveysd anfl as shawn on attaohed map xill be permanently retained and <br />aperateci at Coz Airiield to serva the neeis thereof, Paeilities to bs <br />salvaged asa shorun ott map, dr the equivalent tuareof, will be stnrsd <br />Por iuture mriisttenanae of the distribution $yatem aat this e.irfieid. <br />2. `i'hat in event o1' nmtioaal, emergencyl the Jnited ~tatae Govern- <br />ment shall have the right to take posseseion of suck oleatria di,- <br />