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• • <br />and ekuipment no.: otitned by the City oi _Paris anu- ti:e inmc,diate <br />::nu ur~ent reea ior additios~al lir•e ap_:aratus and e,ui..::nt, <br />_:articularly, a fir:; truck ~;itlhl aerial ladder and ecuipr.E:nt <br />sufiicient to comb4t arii extin-_.uish iires in all buildin~;s <br />az~d str•uctures within said ~I'ity, ior tiie proper protection <br />oi property ano. l--Lve s of t,-ze citizens cl ssid ::ity creates <br />ar e:,:ergency and imLnaediate public nece s-,ity, azid an e-:er•- <br />gency is hereby deci.ared. <br />2. `i^ becaase of suca a-aergency and iLmddiat.e <br />public -r.e cesc- ity, it is iL7perativ° t'.:•at suc'n, f'i;,e trucIt and <br />ecuipm~ent be ac~.,.:ired by by tr.e ',ity o_' Paris at once and <br />t'.at sufiicient tur,ds o~ t:~ie ity o-' T'aris bE allocatea ~°or <br />such purpose. <br />3. i` t_ze fire tnuck -;?i t'i aerial laacter and <br />e7uipment offered to t:~;e ~;ity cf :a~•,is ::cr t.-e suia oi 0 21 9 <br />- <br />, ir~;;erative because of sucn er~.~rgeney that <br />purpose, it bein <br />.:..J <br />o;~ t'~ic _;ea~y_°aves Corpol•~atior. oi is the nroper <br />:ent to ":e purc:.ased ior t~~e purposes n~reinabove set oui; <br />~:r.G. saould be ,,urc:_aseo. ~ ttie rice ~3uove staied. <br />4. ~_at, in accorciance v;ith ti~e provisions oi t~.e <br />~ <br />~.?arter of t':le ~ity of 'aris in suc2 cases of establisneci <br />e::.ergency, t:~c su:.. of ,:13,500.G0 be. tlansFerred from the '"on- <br />tir,gent ~und, in t-ahich fund tii3re is a suificient suryplus 1'or <br />sucli trarts~er, tc trie~'ire ~e~art:,er_t '%apital Investl:e;~t :'uri~:, <br />v;~zich funci czoes not nov. 'rlave on ~a :d sui f'icient iunds ior such <br />such transfer be eiiected. <br />5. i:_at t!-ie "ity --anager be, and he is 'nereby author- <br />ized and uirected to efiect suca transfer of iunc3s, to --onclude <br />t1ae purc:~ase of such fire truck and to appiy tine funds abibve <br />r::entioned tor:ard the ;~fdre:iase price of sat:.e. <br />rassed and ap roved by the ::ity Council uf tiie C,ity <br />of '='aris in reCular r:.eetin; this tile 23rd day of Janyary, 1950. <br />:.:a;; or <br />City Clerk. <br />0 <br />