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t • <br />0 • <br />RE>azUTIora no. 463 <br />R:TIGL'L.~T1 M°731TS1`1C OF `'€T"~ CITY CQL71CIL QF TFTE? CI':'Y OF YARZ30 <br />TZX;kS. 0?r THE 9`I'~? 7AY Q~ J'A:~'t1;~£~Y• 1950, '~'F1_ '~E fi~ <br />SiT 1P1 ~ .i.ll.1. Ail Y~.1~:~J. 3 li.~.~~T4 a :'1 R~.IJLI~~~I~, .+.T LSST~' t,~iF tt2~ <br />uITY C(?UNDIZ 0F 'i'Ii:~ 6I'~Y OF"PARI3, T:X:'_,. AT 7:'SICH TrTF.S <br />~;t1Q~t.;: C~' SA~ Ci +.'4" CO'7NCSI. ';:E~3 1'. R.~ :a3~i', ~.'0-':aZTs $M7~. <br />f9mK:I;R R . L. IIOT~G ~ .3 Jfl~ iN ~7d. ~";'ILLIAI~~ R~.~ ~LTET; 3 UM <br />A proposed contraat between thm City of FarSs, <br />Texas, and Texas I'over & Light Company, proniding for a <br />supply of Electric Poaer and Energy to be used by the City <br />of Ilaris, for E1Qatric aerviQe far-Rgunicipal Street lighting <br />ptrkg anrl buildin-s Par a tern of two years, beginning Janu- <br />-ry 10, 1950, wa> pre3ented and' , on .oti4n duly .:.ode, second- <br />eci and aarried, was ordered narked Por identifiaation and <br />filecl in tile reeards of ths City. <br />Thereupon, the followinp. resolution was oPfered tiy <br />aounailraan ;i;1I i'Q m-,---a.rd dulY' seaoaded by <br />councilman 'Walters the 3ame being duly <br />, _..................i <br />advpted by the unanimous vate of all present to-, <br />t'.it: <br />Regolve3 that H. 77, Parvhman, °"'ayor of the City dd <br />Paris, Texas, be an: is h~:rebq Ruth7rizad and empov~ered to <br />make an agreenent or contraat in the name ond in behalf of <br />the City of Paris, Texas, with Texas Yower & Light Company <br />for a tern of two years, beginninP; January 10, 1950# pro- <br />viding 2'or A supply of Blectric Power and E4ergy to be usedl <br />b;T the CityT of Paris, Texas, Por $leatric S)ervice for 2:iuni-- <br />cipal 3treet li^htSn" pnrks and buildings. Said tkgreement <br />to b:: in the Porri sutmitted to this meeting. <br />pA33ED A,'VD ADOI'TM) this the 9th dQy of Januery, 19500 <br />kTTI&3T s <br />14. F Shel ton <br />ty Or <br />R. L.Hodges <br />z;agor pro Tem <br />II V. F. Sholton, Cttq Clerk of tha City of Psri,39 <br />Texas, hereby certif y th,,,t the Foregoing is a true etnd cor«- <br />r.^ct aopy fror: the riinutes of the regular meeting of the City <br />Cmi-.r.i.l held on the 9th day of Januarp, 19500 <br />y 6 Z° <br />