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A RFESOL'UTIQIT AUM0:".~2IMZ I.A. BIIZ,:IOi: r.6 i.;XOR C3F = GITY 0IF P.=3, i", TO <br />enter into a lease viith the Department of tl_e Army in connection -vrith the conveyan.ce to <br />the City of Paris of Cox ,Hrt~y air Field by the 'i~kr Assets Adrdnistra'tion for a terr- of <br />yoars or less for the consideration of Qne Dollar and reservinE, tiie rieht of ingress <br />and eeress and describing the part of said Cox 2zmy y,ir Field to be so leased, aiid de- <br />claring an emercency. <br />By a; :-)jlb'OL~I'.~ BY i'Ii CI'I'Y COUiv"GI'L 0F Thl-, GIiTY 0F i1h:.~IS that Binnion as i,:ayor <br />of the City of Paris, lexas, be and is r.ereby Eiven full autnority to entnr into a con- <br />tract and lease witn the Department of the Army i.n the event Cox xrr;y iiir rield is con- <br />veyed to the City oY Paris in fee sixiple by the Jar L~osets t;cL_inistration, leasing to <br />said Departnlent of the 1-;stny the fcllorrire described property b•rhicli is a pdrt of s aid <br />BEGIL'ITING at the NVI corner of said properfi,y., sam.e being on the EB line <br />of Counto road; thence East 1300 Feet with U. S. property fence, a stake; thence <br />South 1+5 East 650 Feet., a stake on the EB line of Sixth Street., as designated on <br />record drawings of the U. S. Engineers Office, Denison, Texas, dated December., <br />1943; thence South with the LB of Sixth Street and rJest with the SB line of <br />pavement and Southwesterly direction with FB line of Fifth Street andti7est to <br />Fourth Street~ South with EB line of Fourth Street to the IVB lirle oY "At' Street; <br />thence East to the EB line of Second Stredt; thence South with the EB line of <br />rSecond Street and continuing i.n a Southeasterly direction with EB line of saicl <br />paved road to the Sewerage Treatnient Plant; thence tioest to the 'r"rB line of Cox <br />Field property; thence North - 3;est - Northwesterly - East - and North with the <br />U. S. property line to place of beginning; containing approximately 180 acres of <br />land as shown on the accompanying Plat. <br />and continuously usect oy tine uGi1«1 or a.tis sua--Lessees ior hr.u,y or Texas <br />l;ational Guard purposes, for the consideration of One Dollar, said lease to reserve to the <br />City of raris the right of ix~;re,~s und e~;ress over and alone all strc;ets, roads and high- <br />,rays leuaing to tfi~~ _reraaindex ol s:.ia Gox kr~~t Li.r Fieid unc: crossing said property at any <br />point or -,?oirts, for the said City of raris, its assiEns, lessees, emaloyes, and the <br />al public; said lease :!ay also provide for the furnishinc~, of such utilities as are riecess- <br />ary by the City ci' Paris to said I3epartment oJ' the Arr.y or itJ JUU-lessees upon terms <br />as s'r!all be agreed upon at tnP 'tine O:: i-i-s execL?tion; said lease shall -Drovide that the <br />said Depurtnent oi the A-rmy raaY suio-lease the leased prenises to the ~eYas ITational Guara <br />Arrnory Board, and that additional sub-leases riay be made only upon consent o:.° the City <br />Courlcil. <br />The fact tiiat it is necessary for all pas•ties concerned to knovT ~diat uutiiority is <br />ta oe "iven to tirie T:ayor vritii rexerelice to c7iterinfU into a lease in corineetion ,,ith the <br />conv_-yance of Coy rirray Air iield to the City oi Puris rai-thout firtrer delay creates a <br />pu°alic emergency t'1Y'iich is hdreby aeclared, the rules and Charter -orovisions Tiroribiting <br />tha aassaGe of a I3eso1 ution cit the r:ieetinc, introduced and subr:nLitti.,ig sa;ae to a Cormittee <br />are sus.nended, Gnci the s arie is aeeordincly done, and this Resolution s11a11 take efi eet <br />from anci after its passage. <br />5 d: 1914& <br />i.:ayor of tue City of T'aris, T'exas. <br />Clt;j :ieCZ'etaS;'. <br />