<br />A WMLUTIQI1 ordering a speca.al election to be held between the hrnxra of 8:00 0' clocka
<br />A. M, and 600 o'cl,odc, P. y.,, Rhich hours are in accordanoe wi.th 5ection 89 of tlle Charter
<br />of the City of Paris, on the Sth day of Jtum, 1943 j, by the qualified voters of tha City of
<br />Paris for the purpoee of electing an Aldea'man for Ward 4to fi.ll the unexpired t,exm of J. R.
<br />Young, who has resigized.. arld far ths furthes purpose of electing an Alderman fcr Ward 3 to
<br />fill the tuiexpirei term of Gilbert StreetYa xho has reaigned, to Rhich vacancy G. W. wortham
<br />was electad on April bth, 1943, tut who tailed to qualifY; and declaring an emsrgency.
<br />That an $].eotlau be Yold by the qualified voters of the City of Paris between the hours
<br />of 8:00 0' clock, A. M. and 6:00 0' clock y P e 1d., which hours are in acoo rdance Rith Section 89
<br />of the Charter of the City of Paris, on the 8th day of June., 1943, for the purpose of electing
<br />the fo]lorring City officers:
<br />Alderman for Wetrd l+ to fill the vaaancg csused by the resignation of J. R. Yaung.
<br />Alderman for Ward 3 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Gilbert Streetp,
<br />to which vacancq G. W. Wortham wae elected to fi11 at the regular City election held April 6th,
<br />1943, but who has failed to qualify and has filed a statement declaring his irxtenti.on not to
<br />qualify for Alderman of Wax'd 3•
<br />The polling places and presiding officers of the election shall be, respectively,, as
<br />folloMrs:
<br />WARD 1; Central Fire Station - J. C. Short, Presiding Officer
<br />WkRD 2; Gr*Ad Hotel _ N. A. Pritchett, Presiding Officer
<br />WA,RD 3s Court House -Wayne Anderson, Presiciing Offioer
<br />WAFD 4; gari,a Fiigh Sehool - J. R. Hutchison, Presiding Officer
<br />The Mayor is instructed to give thirty (30) d&Ys notice of sai.d election by posting
<br />noticee at each polling place Por that period, and pubLishing similar notices in the official
<br />paper.
<br />The clection is to be held in accordarioe with the General II.ection Laws of the State of
<br />Texms, insofar as the same ars applicable and not in conflict xith the provisions of the City
<br />Charter.
<br />The fact that it is neeessary to fill the vancancies caused by the resignation of the
<br />p],clerman in Waxd 4 and the resignation of the Alderman i.n Ward 3 creates an emergency, re-
<br />quiring that the rulea and Charter provisions prohibiting the passage of a xesolution at the
<br />meeting introduced and sutmitting the same to a committee be suspended, the same is accordingly
<br />dpne, and this Resolution shall take effect from and after its passage,
<br />Approweds
<br />Ayes IJays____--__,,,.
<br />ATTEST:
<br />J.'.'W."p
<br />e~•
<br />_..,,a vs r24ris, T
<br />SecxetarY,
<br />J, A. 8innian~ City.
<br />City of Paris, Texas.
<br />