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NAS SUIt�1'1' GROUP <br />i�ORTH AMERICAN SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMP.4NY <br />WASHII�'GTOT� INTERNATIONAL I1`'SL'ItANCE COMPANY <br />G�N�12AL 1'OWI:I2 OP ATTORNEY <br />KNO\V ALL MEN BY THESE PRESET�TS. THAT North Americvi Specialty Lisurmtce Comp��}', a cor��oration duly argviized �uid existing u�ider <br />laws of tlie State ofNew Ha�npshire, a�id haviiig ils principtil oflice in tlie Cil�' oCMa�ichester; New ll�ut�pshire, �md �Vaslungtai Liternational <br />Instu'ance Company, a corporation organized and existing under Uie laws of Uie State of New Ha�npshire a�id having its principal office in Uie City of <br />Schaumbw-g, lllinois, each does hereby make, conslitutc �id aplwint: <br />ROIILRT TROBEC, KATHLLEN M. IRELAN, CHAD E. TEAGUE, <br />IAN J. DONALD, JLFPREY A. CHANDLER and ALAN P. CHANDLER <br />JO1N1'LY OI2 SL'-VERAI_LY <br />Its u�ue a�id lawfiil Attomey(s)-in-Fact. to make. e�ecute- seal and deli� er. Cor �uid on its beh�ilf �u�J as its act �u�d deed, bonds or other �v��itings <br />obligalory in l}te nature of a hond on hehalf ol each oCsaid Coropaiiies. as siuety. on ewnu�<icts of wrel} ship as e�-e or may be requue� or permitted by <br />la�v. regula[ion. caitract or olhern��se. provided lhat no bond ur unden<il:in�, or catu-act or suret� sl�ip e�ccuted w�der Uiis authority shall exceed Uie <br />aznowtt of�: Fll�"I'Y bt1LLI0N ($50,000,000.00) DOLLARS <br />This Power of AUOrney is grmileJ uid is sigited by facsimile under a�iJ by ll�e euiUiurity of Uie fulluwing Resoluliuns xdopled by Uie Bu�'ds uf <br />Directors of both Nor[h r�nerica�i Specialry Insw'�u�ce Compvry and Washington Llterna[ional L�sur�ice Compa�ly at meetings dul} called and held <br />on die 24`�' of March, 2000: <br />"RL-,SOLVED, that any two of the Presidents. miy Manxging Director. any Senior Vice Presiden[, a��y Vice President. a�iy /�ssista�ll Vice Yresident_ <br />the Secretvy or �my Assisla�lt Secrettuy be. autd each or miy of tliem Itereby is authorized to e�ecute a Yo��'er of Attorne} qu�lifying Uie attorne} na�ned <br />in tlie given Power of Attorney to e�ecute on behalf of lhe Canp�ury bonds, wideria}:ings �uid all contracls oI surety. Pd ylat each or �ury of Uiem <br />hereby is authorized [o attest [o the e�ecutioti of any suclt Power of .Attorney ��d to a[tach ilierein the se�il of tlte Can ui ; vid it is <br />FURTHER RESOLVED. ll�al l he signxture of such officers zmd the se<il oC the Curnp�uiy m��y be affixed to uiy such Power oCAtloruey ur tu a�iy <br />cerUficate relatuig tliere[o by facsimile, �uid �uiy such Power of Attorney or certilicate t�earing such facsimile signatw�es or facsimile seal sh�ill be <br />hinding upon d�e Cotnpany when so affixed and in tl�e (iin�re �viUi rega��d [o �uiy baid, iuidertal:iiig or coiiVact of siirety to wltich it is attaclied: ' <br />Nllllllillllq/ � //77 M�l1YWUw <br />`��0���\►A1iY����4r���, / / �pt�ONq(/ <br />: Q�.......,..,.'1(qG � � --� �`�Q��°wPd,p��'�€s`GP <br />`?,:tP��*r•�. 13y / r <br />F.� � a; SEAL F =.�� <br />=�i S�L ':n -Sle�eiil'��eiaou,l'reziJenlRChicfF.xecv�i.e01'licero;;�i'ashingwnlnternationallnsurancaCompan)� O: me <br />`s���Tj� 1879 'mA SSrniurVicePresideWuf�orihAw�`r.mtipeccJipliaurance(;um��:ii�i r.. <br />�'t <br />��L,,` �'�.0�` I � �. <br />3 �Y ' <br />��'.S.••f!^N„p^,^,:�bl`Q ��,'�y� �_ �.ijt'..... _...*�2 <br />��iiy�bONmilN ��``�� � tt� <br />13} / '°" <br />Ila.N1 M1I. I.xy�»:���, Senior Vicc Pn.niJenl U� WMFI1111Q1Y11 I�IhSTN�IU�IBI IIIYIII'H�C[ COf11PMOV' <br />R��irr Presitleni ul �onh,��uerirnn Specialry Insur:u�ce Conipaip' <br />IN VdITNESS WHEREOF. NorUi America�i S�ecialty Insiu�vice Coml>viy a�id Washingtai Lit�i51�ioit:�1 Lisurance Se t�einber��lve caused('t��iir <br />of6cial se�ils to be hereunto affiaed, �u�d these presents to be signed by their authurized of6ccrs tliis day of P -_ <br />�`orth Aroerican Spcci�lty L�surnncc C:ompany <br />�1'asl�ington Intcrn�tional Lisurancc Compan), <br />State of Illinois ss: <br />(:ountv of (:ook <br />On lhis 15�� day of September . 20 >>. belur� me. �i Nutzu�y Public persuually appexr��t Steven P. Anderson . Presi�ent <uid CEO of <br />Waslungton Luerna[ional Insura�ice Canpvly �uiJ Senior Vice President of North �nericvi Specialty Lisiu ance Compan)' and David \�. Layman . <br />Senior Vice President of Washington inlerniti�mal lnsurance ComPan}' and Vice President of North American SPecialty Insurance Company. <br />personally kiiown to me, �vho being by me dul}' svan, aclaiowled�ecl Uiat diey sigiicd tl�e above Po�ver ofAttorney as officers of vid <br />ack�iowledged said iiistnunent to be Uie volunt<uy act �uid deed of their respective compa�iies. � ` ��, ��� f� <br />OFFICUILSEAL � �,; <br />0 JILL NELSON <br />apTAityPUBUG-STAYEOFILtM�0l5 U. Iili t�slson, Notar}� Public <br />W �1IBBION E7fP�ES:DEl0�N2 <br />I, Tames A Carpenter , lhe duly elected Assislant Se�retar�� ofNnrlh American Specialty Insiu'ance Compam' �u�d W�shington <br />Lilernaliunal Ltsw'auice Cwnpaiiy. tJo hereh�� c:eruCy Ut:it Ilie abuve �uul lorug.uing is �� true �n� currccl cupy ul << Yuwer uf Allurney give�t hy saiJ Norll� <br />American Specialty litsurance Comptm� tv�d Wa�llin�zlon Luernational l�uur<u�ce Compan)'. �v�iich is slill in hill Corce and eCfect. <br />IN WITNESS \�'HEREOF. I have set my hand �v�d atLxe� U�e seals ol tlic Cumpanies tltis 1 st day of May •?� � 2 <br />����� <br />l:mxs A Car�wmer. Fme Prcs�dun &..l�sis�:u�t Saua:uy o� Washuigion Int<mauonal lnsuruia Comp:m�� & <br />N.rlh N»enc:vi $Exei.ilt�� Ltiur:u�ce Comp:vi� <br />