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ACSC and the Company have engaged in some settlement discussions but have not yet <br />reached agreement. ACSC is hoping to achieve settlement with the Company in order to <br />perpetuate the RRM process. The ACSC Settlement Committee therefore recommends denial of <br />the Company's proposed rate increase rather than a rate decrease to facilitate further settlement <br />discussions. The resolution prevents the Company's proposed rates from automatically going <br />into effect on June 11. The Company has expressed a desire for settlement while an appeal from <br />the cities' denial of the rate increase is pending at the RRC. Should a settlement be reached, the <br />City of Paris may be required to pass an ordinance setting new rates pursuant to the settlement. <br />The purpose of the resolution is to denv Atmos Mid-Tex's proposed rate increase <br />pending further settlement discussions and to nrevent Atmos' proposed rate increase from <br />automatically taking effect on June 11, 2012. <br />Recommendation <br />The City Staff recommends adoption of the resolution denying Atmos Mid-Tex's <br />proposed rate increase. <br />2056490.1 <br />