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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />September 13, 2012 <br />Discussion and possible action reEardin� the Tax Abatement Request bv Campbell Soup <br />Corporation. Steve Gilbert told those present that the Abatement Policies and Criteria require the Board <br />to officially approve the recommendations of any/all tax abatement requests by business and industry. He <br />added that the City Council held a public hearing on the tax abatement request by Campbell Soup for <br />$45M in capital investment and 68 jobs on August 27, 2012. This investment is a vote of confidence for <br />the Paris plant and community. The Tax Abatement will be considered at Lamar County Commissioner's <br />Court and Paris Jr. College Board of Regents on September 24, 2012. <br />Motion was made by Bruce Carr to recommend approval of the $45M T� Abatement by Campbell Soup <br />Corporation; seconded by Kenny Dority. Motion Carried 4-0. <br />Update re�arding the site readv Request for Qualifications submitted bv area engineering firms. <br />Steve Gilbert told those present that Bruce Carr and Toni Clem had reviewed and rated the seven firms <br />that submitted an RFQ. The next step is to have a couple of people with technical expertise look at the <br />RFQs and assess the firms, form a short list of four firms that have been vetted to be capable of achieving <br />a scope of work in a short timeline. This would then enable the Paris EDC to get a timeline and cost for <br />engineering work for a potential prospect at our site ready locations. No action was taken on this item. <br />Discussion and possible action regarding pavment to SuRRMA for Hwv. 19/24 proiect obligation in <br />the amount of $1,426,813.00. Steve Gilbert told those present that the City Council had approved a <br />budget amendment to allow payment for this expense in the current fiscal year. The Office of General <br />Counsel at TxDOT was requiring revised final versions of the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement, SIB <br />Loan and Resolution for Pledged Funds be approved by all entities. Kenny Dority made a motion to <br />approved payment of the lump sum amount for the Hwy. 19/24 project to SuRRMA in the amount of One <br />Million Four Hundred Twenty-Six Thousand, Eight Hundred Thirteen Dollars ($1,416,813.00); seconded <br />by Bruce Carr. Motion Carried 4-0. <br />Discussion and possible action reEarding the proposed amended Paris EDC Bud�et for FY 2012-13. <br />Steve Gilbert told those present that a number of incentive agreements had been approved by the Paris <br />EDC Board since the Proposed FY 2012-13 Budget was submitted to the City on July 2"d. The Budget <br />process at the City level is still in progress. So, with the Board's approval, the amended Budget would be <br />submitted for City Council consideration at their meeting in October. <br />Note: Bill Harris joined the meeting. <br />Discussion took place as to the amount budgeted for the Depot. The line item name was changed to reflect <br />"Depot Operating Funds" and reduced from $60,000 to $45,000. The amended budget reflects current <br />Incentive Agreements to be paid from Reserves. It also shows other line-item reductions with the savings <br />going to Reserves. Bruce Carr made the motion to approve the Budget Amendment as presented for FY <br />2012-13; seconded by Kenny Dority. Motion Carried 5-0. <br />Discussion and Possible action of the revised Policv & Procedure manual for the Paris EDC. <br />Chairman Wehrman said he didn't feel comfortable adopting the manual, as presented. He felt it needed to <br />be written as a private business and not a governmental agency. Therefore, he asked Toni Clem to review <br />with him and bring it back to the Board for discussion and possible adoption at a future meeting. Toni <br />Clem made the motion to table; seconded by Bill Harris. Motion Carried 5-0. <br />2 <br />�_. �� <br />