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Sec. 28-1 l. - Billboards. <br />(a) Where allowed. <br />(1) Billboards shall be permitted only in areas zoned Light Industrial (LI) and Heavy Industrial (HI); <br />additionally, no billboard shall be permitted in areas zoned as scenic or historic overlay. <br />(2) Billboards may only be placed in areas which are already zoned Light Industrial (Ln or Heavy <br />Industrial (HI). A request for a zoning change will not be accepted solely for the purpose of installing a <br />billboard. <br />(b) Permit required. <br />(1) A permit shall be required before any billboard is constructed, located, moved, or enlarged. <br />(2) If an applicant for a permit owns four (4) or more existing billboards in the corparate city limits, fifty <br />(50) percent or more of which are available for lease at the time of issuance of a permit, a permit will be <br />denied on the basis of lack of necessity. <br />(3) If an applicant for a permit owns two (2) or more legally nonconforming billboards inside the corporate <br />city limits, fifty (50) percent ar more of which are available far lease at the time of issuance of a permit, a <br />permit will be issued only if one (1) or more of the nonconforming billboards are permanently removed. <br />(4) Stamped structural engineering plans shall accompany billboard permit applications. <br />(5) For the purposes of this section, an "applicant" shall include the applicant or any person related to the <br />applicant within the second degree by blood or marriage; or in the case of a corporation or other business <br />entity, applicant shall include any subsidiary or holding company of tbe applicant or any person or entity <br />that owns or controls the majority of the stock or controlling interest in the applicant. <br />(c) General provisions. <br />(1) Billboards shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the international building code <br />and uniform electrical code, as amended. <br />(2) Billboards shall be maintained in good, safe structural condition. <br />(3) No billboard or off-premises sign shall be located on a property without the written consent of the <br />property's owner ar legal representative. <br />(4) The general area in the vicinity of any billboard shall be kept free and clear of sign materials, debris, <br />trash, and refuse. <br />(d) Location of billboards. <br />(1) No billboard or other off-premises sign shall be permitted on any property that is located inside Loop <br />286. <br />(2) No billboard will be permitted to be constructed within two thousand (2,000) feet of another billboard. <br />This distance shall be measured from the closest supporting pole of the existing billboard to the closest <br />supporting pole of the proposed billboard. <br />(3) Billboards are not allowed in the street, highway, railroad or other public right-of-way, or public <br />easement within a designated utility easement. <br />1.01 <br />