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Terri Palmer Disannexation - Metes and Bounds provided by Shane Grissom: <br />Situated NORTH 61 ° EAST 3.7 MILES, more or less, from the City of Paris, <br />County of Lamar, and State of Texas, being a part of the W. Askins Survey Abstract <br />No.7, and being more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point in the intersection of the south right-of-way line of <br />County Road 42350 (Smallwood Rd.) and the east right-of-way line of Wildwood Rd., <br />for the northwest corner of that certain 5.025 acre tract of land described in deed dated <br />May 27, 1997, to Brian and Terri Palmer, recorded in Vol. 693, Pg. 138, Lamar County <br />Real Property Records (L.C.R.P.R.), also being Lot 15 of the Wildwood Estates <br />Subdivision recorded in Env. 321-A of the Lamar County Plat Records (L.C.P.R.); <br />THENCE NORTH 89° O1' 04" EAST 331.56', along the south right-of-way line <br />of County Road 42350 (Smallwood Rd.), the north boundary line of said Wildwood <br />Estates and the north boundary line of said lot 15 to a point in the south right-of-way line <br />of County Road 42350 (Smallwood Rd.) and the north boundary line of said Wildwood <br />Estates, said point being the northeast corner of said lot 15 and the northwest corner of <br />that certain 5.025 acre tract of land described in deed dated April 5, 2004, to Celeste <br />Wilcox, recorded in Vol. 1455, Pg. 153, Lamar County Official Public Records <br />(L.C.O.P.R.), also being Lot 16 of said Wildwood Estates; <br />THENCE SOUTH Ol ° 47' S5" EAST 644.68', along the east boundary line of said <br />lot 15 and the west boundary line of said lot 16 to a point in the north boundary line of <br />that certain 5.025 acre tract of land described in deed dated May 27, 2010, to David <br />Denison, recorded as Instrument No. 079188-2010, L.C.O.P.R., also being Lot 14 of said <br />Wildwood Estates, said point being the southeast corner of said lot 15 and the southwest <br />corner of said lot 16; <br />THENCE SOUTH 88° 12' OS" WEST 366.31', along the north boundary line of <br />said lot 14 and the south boundary line of said lot 15 to a point in the east right-of-way <br />line of Wildwood Rd., said point being the northwest corner of said lot 14 and the <br />southwest corner of said lot 15; <br />THENCE along the east right-of-way line of Wildwood Rd. and the west <br />boundary line of said lot 15 as follows: NORTH 10° OS' 47" EAST 87.97', to a point; <br />THENCE along a curve to the left with a cord bearing and distance of NORTH 4° 28' 32" <br />EAST 104.42', a cord length of 104.59' and a radius of 533.04', to a point; THENCE <br />NORTH O1 ° 08' 43" WEST 459.56' to the point of beginning, and containing 5.025 acres <br />of land, more or less. <br />U� >> <br />EXHiBIT � <br />