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City Council Meeting <br />August 13, 2001 <br />Page 6 <br />Terry Townsend, Director of Public Works for the City of Paris, came forward <br />telling the City Council that the city could go with that approach and he would <br />talk with Mr. Spencer. Mr. Townsend felt the one and one-half million dollars <br />estimated by the Aquatic Complex of Paris group would not be adequate for <br />this type of pool. <br />City Manager Malone stated that he hoped that each of the school systems that <br />plan to have a swimming program would help with the financing of this <br />complex. He pointed out that the Civic Center was built without debt and is <br />unable to pay its own way, being subsidized through the hotel-motel tax. City <br />Manager Malone suggested that this matter be placed in the hands of Mr. <br />Townsend and allow him to talk with the present consultant and determine who <br />would be best to do the drawings. City Manager Malone also advised that the <br />funds for the illustrations would come out of the Certificate of Obligations. <br />After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Plata to provide the <br />funding that is needed to create a concept drawing for an indoor natatorium. <br />The motion was seconded by Councilman Carter and carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Mayor Pfiester called for a motion to bring Agenda Item No. 2-13, receive <br />presentation from Bucher, Willis & Ratliff, Inc., consultant, for the proposed <br />Comprehensive Zoning and Land Use Plan, from the table. A motion was <br />made by Mayor Pro Tem Manning, seconded by Councilman Bell to bring the <br />above item from the table. The motion carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Scott Mickey with the firm of Bucher, Willis & Ratliff, came forward and said <br />he had received Mr. Murphy's concerns. He stated that the map is a policy <br />statement in picture form. It articulates the way City Council wants to <br />encourage future private sector development. It is an effective way to announce <br />to the public what the council will support in future zoning. The thoroughfare <br />plan map, that goes with the land use map, will assist in planning for future <br />streets and maj or roads as plats for development are submitted for council <br />approval. As an example, Mr. Mickey pointed out the new fire station on Pine <br />