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Nelson <br />Survey�ng Company <br />92Q North Main Street Paris, Texas 75460 <br />903-785-3551 fax 903-T85-3399 <br />J. M. Helson, R+egisfered Professional Laod Sttrveyor of TeXas, #4023 <br />T8K Disk-111 Park St. {West of 19th N.W. } JHerringtorr/f436 <br />� � � <br />Situated within the Corporate Lirnits of the City of Paris, County af Lamar, and State of <br />iexas, a part of the .iohn Herrington Survey #436, and being a called 2.967 acre tract of iand <br />conveyed Thomas E. Westbrooks and Frances L. Wesbrooks by deed recorded in Vol. 642, <br />Page 269, and a called 3.683 acre tract of land conveyed Thomas �. Westbroaks and Frances L. <br />Wesfbroaks by deed recorded in Vol. 599, Page 838, of the Deed Records ot said County and <br />State. <br />Beginning af an iron pin (fl far comer in ihe North Boundary Line of Park St. at the Southeast <br />comer of said 3.683 acre tract, sa[d point being the Southwest comer of a calied 8.488 acre tract <br />of land canveyed Flex-O-Lite, lnc., by deed recorded in Vol. 157, Page 31, of the Real Property <br />Records af said County and State, said poini being South 89 Deg. 35 Min. 25 Sec. West a <br />distance of 692.77 ft. from the intersection of the North Boundary Line of said Park St. and fhe <br />West Boundary Line of 19fh N.W. (Farm Road 79). <br />Thence North 0 Deg. 25 Min. 39 Sec. West a distance of 501.5 ff. to an iron pin {s) for comer <br />at the Northeast comer of said 3.683 acre tract and the Narthwest comer of said 8.496 acre trad; <br />7hence along the North Soundary l.ine of said 3.fi83 acre tract and said 2.967 acre tract as <br />follows: Souih 67 Deg. 43 MEn. 35 Sec. West a distance af 839.16 fi. to an iron pin (�; South 60 <br />Deg. 59 Min. 18 Sec. West a distance of 188.31 ft. to an iron pin (#} for comer at the Northwes# <br />comer of said 2.967 acre tract, said poir►t being #he Nartherfy Northeast comer of a called 16.66 <br />acre tract of land conveyed Thomas E. Weskbrooks and Frances L. Westbrooks by deed <br />recorded in Vol. 'E92, Page 89, of said Real Property Records; <br />Thence South 0 Deg_ 16 Min. 44 Sec. �ast a distance of 105.19 ft. to an iron pin {fj #or corner <br />at the Southwest comer of sa9d 2.96i acre tract and an el comer of said 16.66 acre tract; <br />Thence North 89 Deg. 47 Min. 57 Sec. East a distance of 550.04 ft. to an iron pin {f} for <br />comer at the Southeast comer of said 2.967 acre tract, the Southwest comer of said 3.683 acre <br />tract, the Easterly Northeast comer af said 16.F6 acre trac#, and the Northwest comer of said <br />Park St.; <br />7hence North 89 Deg. 43 Min. 26 Sea. East along the North Bonndary Line of said Parlt St_ a <br />distance of 376.75 ft. to the place of beginning and confaining 6.650 acres of land. <br />l, J.M. Nelson, Registered Pro€essional Land Surveyor of Texas, #4025, cerfrfy to <br />Thomas E. Wes#brooks and Frances L. Westbrooks (sellers), to TBEI, L.P., a Texas limifed <br />partnership (purchaser), and to Stone Title Co., lne., that the above depic#ed and described tract <br />of land was faken from an actual survey made on the ground and compfeted by me on the 10th <br />day of September, 1998, that this survey is a Category 1A, Condition lf, Land Titfe Survey in <br />accordance with the Standards for Land Surveys for the Texas Society of Professiona! <br />Surveyors, #hat alt visibfe buildings, improvements, fences, encumbrances, encroachmenfs, <br />conflicts, protrusions, and uses -- including fhe location of all highways, streets, road, easments, <br />alleys, and rights-of-way upon o� adjacent to the land are accurateiy shown thereon, that this <br />tract of land corrtains 6.650 acres of tand, and that #his tract of fand does not appear to [ie in a <br />flood zone as indicated by Communi#y Partel #48089'i 0008 A and Communiiy Panel #480427 <br />0001 B of the �ederal Fioad fnsurance Maps. <br />.i.M. �felson, RPLS of Texas, #4025 date <br />.- 54 <br />