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EXHIBIT D <br />CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION <br />STATE OF TEXAS <br />COUNTY OF LAMAR <br />CITY OF PARIS <br />The Ciiy of Paris, Texas (the "City"), has executed and delivered a Tax Abatement <br />Agreement with T& K MACHINE, INC., a Texas cozporation, for the abatement of ad valorem <br />taxes to be collected for the City upon certain new equipment (the "Improvements"} io be <br />installed at the corporation's plant in Paris, Texas. <br />T& K MACHINE, INC. has complied with the tax Abatement Agreennent, and the City, <br />acting herein hy and through the its duly elected Mayor, verifies that the Improvements agreed <br />to be built, instalied and used have in fact been completed as provided fQr in the T� Abatement <br />Agreement. <br />NOW THEREF4RE, the City authorizes that the Praperty described in the Tax <br />Abatement Agreement shall receive an abatement of City taxes of 100% of such ta�ces assessed <br />upon the increased value of the Improvements so installed over the value in the year in which the <br />Tax Abatement Agxeement was executed, for a duration of three (3) years, be�iz�ning January 1, <br />2013, with such tax abatement then declinin� by 20% in each year thereafter, to 80% in 2016 and <br />to 0% in the year, 2020. <br />APPROVED this day of , 20_. <br />Mayor of the City of Paris, Texas <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />City Attorney <br />�- 59 <br />