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Paris, Texas Economic Development Corporation <br />POLTCY STATEMENT <br />CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES FOR TAX ABATEMENT <br />morals. <br />4. Incident to approval ofany ordinance designating a reinvestment zone, the City shall find thaY <br />the improvements sought are feasible and practical and would be a benefit to the land to be <br />included in the reinveshnent zone and to the Ci after the ex iration of the a reement. <br />Variances Requests for variance from the provisions of these Guidelines and Criteria may be made in wridng <br />to the City; provided, however, that in no event shall the tern► of any abatement exceed the period <br />authoriaed by applicable state law. Such request shafl inclucfe a complete description of the <br />circnmstances requiring a variance. Approval of a request for variance shall require the <br />affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4 of the members of the Ci Council. <br />Proposed The adoption of these Guidelines and Criteria by the City does not [imit the discretion of the City <br />Agreements Council to decide whether to enter into a specific tax abatement agreement, or limit the discretion of <br />Decided on the City Council to delegate to iis employees the authority to determine whether or not the Ciry <br />Individuat should consider a particular appiication or request for ta�c abatement, or create any property, <br />Basis contract, or other legaf right in any person or entity to have the City Council consider or grant a <br />s ecified a lication or re uest for tax abatement. <br />VIII. Abatement Agreement Terms and Conditions. <br />Appendix B provides many of the terms and conditions to be included in any formal abatement <br />agreement. <br />TX. Amendments to GuideIines and Criteria <br />These Guidelines and Criteria are effective for a two (2) year period from the date of their <br />adoption, unless amended or repealed by the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the <br />members of the City Council. <br />For a tax abatement application or additional information contact: <br />Paris Economic Development Corporation <br />1125 Bonham Street <br />Paris, Texas 75460 <br />903-7846964 <br />Fax 903-784-2503 <br />��na��<<, 8n nsc�XilSUSd.COlil <br />Email: parisedc�rtl�ariste�sus�cum <br />•: <br />