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All ~hmt certain tract or parcel of landlsitu&ted Ih Lamar CoUnty, <br />Texas, in the Northeast ~ar% of the cttylof Perlsl be ng part of the <br />Joseph Le~ch Survey, Abstract No 524; and being a~ of e called 1,497 <br />ecre tract.of l~nd (TRACT 2) described 1~ Deed from Louise Add son <br />Teylor to Allen R. Ward~ deted the 8th dmy of July,' 1992, recorded'In <br />VoLume 305, Page 22~ Re~ Property Records of Lam~r County~ TexSs~ <br />said-1.497 acre tract of land being p=rtlof a c=lled 25 acre tracb'o~ <br />land debcrlbe~ in Deed to Bruce Ray (Vo1~'260 Page 84 DR)~ also belng <br />pert of City Block No. 318;' said 1.497 abre tract of lend being more <br />psrticulerIy described as follows, to-wi~: <br /> <br />Beginning at a 1/2" die. R. S. Rod (foun <br />said called 1.497 acre tract of land, in <br />8treet~ end North line of said 25 acre t <br />43' 05" E, 324.64~ feet from the point o <br />line of Center Street, with the East Ii~ <br />said point of Intersection being the Nor <br />tract of land, and Northwest corner of s <br />Rod (found) bein~ the Nc <br /> <br />~) et the Northeast corner of <br />the South line of Center · <br />-Sci of Isnd;' same being N 89 <br />~ Intersection .of the South <br />e of a Street going South; <br />~hwest corner of s~id 25 acre <br />aid City Block No. 318; also, <br /> <br />said 1/Z" R.S. .thwest corner of <br />acre tract of land described in Eeed. to James W, Yancey and Jadk <br />Henderson (vol. 385, Page 178 RP); ! . <br />Thence S 1' 41' 00" W~ a '~Tstance of 39~/920 feet to a 5/8" di~, R, <br />Rod (set) at the Southeast*corner of sa~d called 1.497 acre [rect of <br />lend~ and Southwest corner of said 2 ac~e tract of [end, in the North <br />line of Loop Highway No. 286 NE; <br /> <br />Thence N 73' 19' 00" W, aion~ the Non~hiline of s~id highway~ <br />distance of 136.430 feet to an X merk~dlon the concrete at an <br />point; and an Inner corner of sa~ 1.497 acre tract of [and; <br /> Thence N 54; 51' 00" W, along the, Northi line,, . , of said' hlghway~ <br /> distance of 57,630 feet to a 5/8 d~a, IR, S. Rod (set) at the · <br /> Southwest cor~er of said called 1,497 ~cre tract of [and~ in the <br /> center of a 60 feet width Channel Easement; same being the Southeast <br />.corner of a called 0.875 acre tract of!land (TRACT 1) described in <br />Deed to ALlen R. Ward'(Vol, 305,,,Page 12 RP); <br /> 16" E along the cente~ of sa d Eesement a distance <br /> Thence N 1' 43' to a 1/2" dia.' R. $. R~d (found) a~ the Northwest <br /> of 319.665 feet <br /> corner of said called 1.497 ecre traCtlOf land, In th South line of <br /> sa d Center S~reet; same being th~ Northeast corner of said 0,875 acre <br /> tract of lend; . .. <br /> <br /> Thence N 89~ 43' 05" E, along the $out~ ~ine of seid Center Street~ a <br /> distance of 179.752 feet to the place pf beginning and containing <br /> 1 498 acres of land. * ! <br /> <br /> The beerinBs recited herein are based ~n the Deed call of'the East <br /> line of said called 1.4g? acre tract o!f land (S 1° 41' 00" W). <br /> <br />EXHiBiT <br /> <br /> <br />