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FC <br />TO: MICHAEL E. MALONE, CITY MANAGEIC <br />FROM: KARL LOUIS, CHIEF OF POLICE <br />SUBJECT: OFFENDER TRACKING TASK OFFICER <br />DATE: DECEMBER 19, 2001 <br />The Adult Probation Department in conjunction with Allied Counseling <br />has been awarded a two - year grant in the amount of $250,000.00. As a <br />part of the grant, they were awarded money for one police officer to be <br />funded as an Offender Tracking Task Officer. This woWd entail all seg <br />offender registration, tracking, enforcement, web - site information and <br />maintenance, etc. They have offered to donate $44,165.83 a year <br />towards this officer's position to the City of Paris Police Department. <br />Sgt. Danny Huff, who has been our investigator assigned to aggravated <br />offenses against children would very much like to have the opportunity <br />to be assigned this position. This would allow us to move one of the <br />eaisting Patrol Sergeants to Danny's vacant position in CID and give a <br />promo6onal exam for an additional Sergeant, which is sorely needed. <br />This would then create a Corporal's position which could also be tested <br />for and allow for some upward mobility within the department. As you <br />may know, we have not added any personnel to CID since 1990 when I <br />became Chief. Lt. Tuttle and Sgt. Huff had atready asked me several <br />times to add another investigator because of the incre$sed case load. I <br />have held off until now, but with the assistance of this grant for at least <br />two years, (and the possibility of an eatension), I believe this is the right <br />time to initiate this process. The money from the grant would almost <br />pay for another Sergeant's salary and benefits. This would be an <br />outstanding opportunity for our City and the Department. <br />The case load has increased by the thousands since 1990 and our arrests <br />have gone up from 1955 arrests in 1990 to approaimately 3000 arrests <br />by the end of this year. These are significant increases and the need <br />exists. This would be a golden opportunity to increase our manpower <br />with minor increased costs on behalf of the city. I appreciate your <br />consideration of the acceptance of this money and an opportunity to <br />assist the citizens with the additional investigator if possible. <br />/kl <br />