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AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET <br />PROJECT: Consider a motion to approve a proposed tenant lease policy the for the new hanger at Cox Field <br />Airport. <br />BACKGROUND: The Airport Advisory Board, by a vote of five (5) to two (2), approved a recommendation <br />to allow persons on the closed waiting list to have first choice in the new hanger recently built. Two people <br />in the older hangers have made requests to move into the new hanger ahead of the waiting list group. <br />DESCRIPTION: Approval of a proposed tenant lease policy would allow persons on the closed waiting list <br />for hangars at Cox Field Airport to have first choice in the new hangar recently built as opposed to those <br />individuals who already have hangars being allowed to move to a new hangar ahead of those on the waiting <br />list. In essence, individuals will be moved into hangars based on their place on the waiting list. <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to approve the proposed tenant lease policy. <br />STAFF CONTACT: Thomas E. Haynes, Project Director <br />COUNCII, DATE: Consider for adoption at City Council's regular meeting on January 14, 2002. <br />