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Government Code - CHAPTER 2303 <br />Page 23 of 28 <br />department the statewide total of the tax refunds made under this section during that fiscal year. <br />Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 268, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1993. <br />§ 2303.505. Local Sales and Use Tax Refunds <br />(a) To encourage the development of areas designated as enterprise zones, the governing body of a <br />municipality through a program may refund its local sales and use taxes paid by a qualified business on: <br />(1) the purchase, lease, or rental of equipment or machinery for use in an enterprise zone; <br />(2) the purchase of material for use in remodeling, rehabilitating, or constructing a structure in an <br />enterprise zone; <br />(3) labor for remodeling, rehabilitating, or constructing a structure in an enterprise zone; and <br />(4) electricity and natural gas purchased and consumed in the normal course of business in the <br />enterprise zone. <br />(b) To promote the public health, safety, or welfare, the governing body of a municipality or county <br />through a program may refund its local sales and use taxes paid by a qualified business or qualified <br />employee. <br />(c) The governing body of a municipality or county that is the governing body of an enterprise zone <br />may provide for the partial or total refund of its local sales and use taxes paid by a person making a <br />taxable purchase, lease, or rental for development or revitalization in the zone. <br />(d) A person entitled to a refund of local sales and use taxes under this section shall pay the entire <br />amount of state and local sales and use taxes at the time the taxes would be due if an agreement for the <br />refund did not exist. <br />(e) An agreement to refund local sales and use taxes under this section must: <br />(1) be written; <br />(2) contain an expiration date; and <br />(3) require that the person entitled to the refund provide to the municipality or county making the <br />refund the documentation necessary to support a refund claim. <br />(f) The municipality or county shall make the refund directly to the person entitled to the refund in <br />the manner provided by the agreement. <br />Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 268, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1993. Amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. <br />985, § 7, eff. Sept. 1, 1995. <br />§ 2303.5055. Refund, Rebate, or Payment of Tax Proceeds to Qualified Hotel Project <br />(a) For a period that may not exceed 10 years, a governmental body, including a municipality, <br />county, or political subdivision, may agree to rebate, refund, or pay eligible taxable proceeds to the <br />:// 1/12/2002 <br />