<br />Ct�.�S ��i?���;� �r crp�pTi��J SYD.4BOL DE���:RIF IiOP�J �
<br />�—��,
<br />r�p cappe� �ron pir� mh manhole
<br />�� NEL`' J���� cir copped �ror roa c�c cieanout
<br />�
<br />\ SURy�'��,�1 cn capped nod wm wa'ter meter
<br />����� ip iron pin grr� gos mate�
<br />r��� ir iron rod fh flre hydront
<br />/�� iCU�G� W`/ Wntv_r vC��va
<br />t�% \\ —_ .,..,.� z- . _ _ . _ _
<br />/� �' (sj set up utility pole
<br />/ ���
<br />�� �S �� ifrsl found, reset pp power pole
<br />�
<br />� 4025 ;i p posi ul utility line
<br />�� mp metal post ue utllit, easement
<br />CAPS ipipe iron pipe bl building line
<br />�� � center line c&g curb & gutter
<br />JA�N.
<br />1 12 property line cov. covered
<br />� � � survey line conc. concrete
<br />�4025 � ft flow line Ipg liquid propone gos
<br />� FF finished fiocr ctp phone pedestal
<br />CAPS c!p choin link post drq. drainoge
<br />+N clf chain link fence esmt. easement
<br />\ —x— fence util. utility
<br />�??�� � rHBM Flood Hazard Boundary Maps ac air conditioner
<br />0
<br />?71?? FIRM Flood Insuronce Rate Mops b/c bock of curb
<br />icv irrigotion control volve o� s offset
<br />icb irrigotion ccntrol box
<br />bdp Bois d'Arc post
<br />1. This survey, both pfat and field notes, are only vaGd if it has an oriqinal signature and seal. A copy of this
<br />survey with a prior signo±ure dote to this one ore void. Faxed or emoiled copies are to be used for inspection
<br />purposes cnly. Signed cop�es will be moileC to required parties. Any chonges mode will void this survey.
<br />2. This sur�ey is for the use o� the porty cr porties certiffed to in the cert�fcotior, It is nc± Irtended te be used
<br />by porties other thon those certified ±o. Surveyor assumes no liobility for eny uncuthorized copies.
<br />3. FLOOD ZONES
<br />a. R�ral 100 Yeor Flood Zones are sccnr,ed ond inserted using Flood Hezard Boundary Mops, as noieo by the
<br />Community Panei No on the plo; and field notes.
<br />b. Urbon 100 Yea� Flood Zones mcy be sconned ond inserted, but aiso moy be located by e!evations, If
<br />elevotions ore ovoilable, f-om an octucl survey made on the ground, uslrg informa±ion fram the Ccmmunity Panel
<br />No. or' the Flocd Ins�rance Rate A4aps os roted on. the plat and fieid notes.
<br />c. Surveyor assumes no liability for floods caused by abnormd conditicns, either by rnan—made or n�turo�
<br />causes, in cr ou? of =1ood zores.
<br />4 Bosis. of bearir��g (reference bearingl maybe ossumed, tiEd to deed catls of the sub iect trcct, to an od io�ring
<br />?roct, or to o related i'em. ?he bos�= c` becring will be ncted cn the piat and +iFlo no?es, bu! may no± ;oin �he
<br />subject trac*..
<br />5. Some comers ca��o; be s�i cre:rd and under `erces, but we sh��ti „ re`e�cn�e `.rorn � ne�rby pcs`. o� �:'r�er
<br />'r;novm anc Iecatoble �b lect.
<br />6 ��NCES
<br />o. o!ong: bcundory lire .. �he fer��e ��n'�ss ��'herw�se r�o�ea.
<br />b. with: bcunda� y lire �= neor or oioncs��de of fence �nlESS ctherwi=e ��o±ee.
<br />%. ChECK P�O±S .7^�d f'�E�C� �O�i@S i0� OddiflGn'�� In',p�f1'�0?IO�i O� SUbS'O(lt'Oi dl`?E�Ei1CF5 G°'WEa!' jECO� OESC��G`�Gf'S Cn
<br />-�= c=eds and ....��ta! surveys -n;;de cn the ground.
<br />g 4efore a��y cons±�uc!ion, ��I': utili't;� compcnles or !ne��� ager��s, sho��,.'�d be con!ectec !cr iocat'�� e ��ei�
<br />re_pec*, ve ut 1:-; � nas, v:r,e;_,er ih� �ti;i±y j�n= i= overhead �r ur�argr�„�nd.
<br />�. D:SZO�1C°5 SfIC�YfI ��n ., .rf�.,/°"".2flt� C:�JU_' SU�'VFj�S C'o +0 '�^.2 ^�EC�ES'. �'�'1C~,, �OU'7�F iOp1Gv? ?0 �C1° ror�cc, ;r_,r�°,
<br />� Nelson Surveying Company
<br />� 920 N, Main St. Paris, Tezas 75460
<br />,� 903-785-3551 fex� 903-785-3399 E-ma�k nelsons�rveying�euddenFik�ei
<br />J.M. Nelson, Regiatered Protesaional Land 5weyor of Texae, id025
<br />, `
<br />' � �` L � _ . ,.. F �t .^o ',E'ri P�::FS, _�� . ._ _��g^_ ,P,^c'�� i�;�;cc .. _ _�F ....�� . .. �. — �—'_
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