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Minutes of the Special Meeting <br />August 22, 2001 <br />Page 12 <br />to the County it is 40% of the shortfall. He advised that the budget <br />that was presented to the City Council was 1.7 million dollars. What <br />is added on to the county side was a portion of the dispatchers, <br />emergency rescue truck from the Fire Department, and 6.5% for the <br />City Manager, Finance Department, and Attorney Office, and that is <br />how it comes back to the County. The Judge said that when he submits <br />his budget, he fully intends to fund the $400,000.00 needed for the <br />County's 40%. He said that the reason he was attending this meeting <br />was to let the City Council know that, in his opinion, this is a big <br />problem and it can not go on. He said he did know how this problem <br />could be solved. <br />City Manager Malone stated that what the City is providing is <br />readiness to serve, the availability of service, and contracting for <br />service. He said the citizens of the City of Paris have no obligation to <br />provide ambulance service outside the city limits of Paris. City <br />Manager Malone advised that the city is permitted to do this by <br />contract only. The City Manager said the County has taken on the <br />responsibility for other incorporated cities within the county who pay <br />nothing towards the ambulance service. <br />Judge Superville responded that his point is to raise the question as to <br />where is this going to be five years from now. <br />City Manager Malone advised that the City has the same concern as <br />Judge Superville. If the population of Paris and Lamar County is one <br />of the most aged in the state, and the medical industry is one of the <br />largest employers in our county, and EMS is faced with the Balanced <br />Budget Act, then the City is faced with the same thing. The EMS is the <br />key component of that industry, which brings in tax money to both <br />Lamar County and the City of Paris. He pointed out that the citizens <br />of Paris pay 60% of the taxes that Lamar County collects, and the <br />