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MEMORANDUM <br />To: Lisa w,ight <br />From: James Bamett, Assistant Chief of Police <br />Sub,ject: Addition to the Police llepartment <br />Date: February 5, 2002 <br />Chief Louis recently assigned Sgt. Danny Huff to work as the Sex Offender Tracking <br />Officer under the recent grant. He transferred Sgt. Shane Boatwright from patrol to <br />criminal invesiigation to replace Sgt. Huff. <br />This left a sergeant position open in patrol. He is requesting an additional sergeanYs <br />position be added to the Police L?eparhnent to fill this opening. <br />When approved this would mean our department would Consist of one Chief of Police <br />and the following number of offrcers in each rank: <br />1. 1 Assistant Chief of Police <br />2. 3 Police Lieutenants <br />3. 11 Police Sergeants <br />4. 3 Police Corporals <br />5. 49 Police Patrolmen <br />This would be 66 members and one chief for a total of 67 officers. <br />In regards to number 5 we would like to change the rank from Private back to Patrolman. <br />J mes B mett ~ <br />CC: Michael Malone, City Manager <br />Mattie Cunningham, City Clerk <br />