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Code Enforcement recommendation to demolish structure. <br />O. 408 l Ot�' Street N.E. <br />Code Enforcement recommendation to demolish structure. <br />P. 448 10�' Street N.E. <br />Code Enforcement recommendation to demolish structure. <br />Q. 478 10�' Street N.E. <br />Code Enforcement recommendation to demolish structure. <br />R. 1001 E. Grove Street <br />Code Enforcement recommendation to demolish structure. <br />S. 128 10`" Street N.E. <br />Code Enforcement recommendation to demolish structure. <br />Paul Denney asked to pu112A for further discussion. Robert Talley made report to the <br />commission. Mr. Talley stated we get a lot of complaints regarding this property. It was <br />our understanding when Kevin Kear bought this house he was going to restore it and no <br />repairs have been completed to date. Mr. Talley went thru the power point with <br />commissioners reviewing the existing damage to the structure. Mr. Talley further stated <br />he has no contact with the property owner, Kevin Kear. Paul Denney would like to pull <br />the Baldwin House and contact Mr. Kear. Mr. Denney further stated he believes the <br />property has been sold recently. <br />Commissioner Cox asked to pu1120 for further discussion. Mr. Talley reviewed the <br />power point with commissioners, stating Ms. Camster the owner has a lot of property and <br />is having difficulty maintaining them. Mr. Talley further stated that there is a large hole <br />in the roof and several broken windows which is allowing rain to come in and cause <br />further damage. <br />Motion was made by Paul Denney, seconded by Douglas Cox to send all structures <br />except for item 2A to the Building and Standards Commission, since they cannot be <br />rehabilitated nor do they have significant historical value. Motion carried 6-0. <br />3. Future agenda items. Joint meeting between HPC and BSC. Report from Robert Talley <br />regarding historic structures with code issues. <br />4. Meeting adjourned at 12:24 p.m. <br />