<br />in Federal Register of March 11, 1988 (pages 8034-8069).
<br />g. The LOCAL GOVERNMENT will ensure that the facilities under
<br />its ownership, lease or supervision which shall be utilized
<br />in the accomplishment of G.R.E.A.T. are not listed on the
<br />Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) list of Violating
<br />Facilities and that it will notify ATF of the receipt of any
<br />communication from the Director of the EPA Office of Federal
<br />Activities indicating that a facility to be used in the
<br />Program is under consideration for listing by the EPA.
<br />h. The LOCAL GOVERNMENT will comply with the minimum wage and
<br />maximum hours provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards
<br />Act, as they apply to law enforcement employees of srate and
<br />local governments.
<br />1990) (JUN 1997)
<br />(a) Definitians.
<br />'Agency,' as uscd in this clause, means cxew[ive agrncy as defined in 2.101.
<br />'Covered Federal action,' as us<d in Nis claus<, mwns any of 1he following Fcderal actiortr.
<br />(a) The awuding af any Fcdenl cantnct.
<br />(b) 7T< making af any Fcderal grant.
<br />^ 'Ihe making of any Federalloan.
<br />(d) The emcring into of any coopentive
<br />agmement.
<br />(e) 7Le uiension, coatinuuioq rcnewal, amendmrnt, or modification of any Fcderal contrazt, gnnt, loan, or coopetative agreemeN.
<br />'Indian tribe' and "tribal arganizaiion," as usN in Ihis clausq M1ave lhe meaning proridM in scction 4 of Ihe Indian Sdf-Deiermiwiion and Education Assistance
<br />Act (25 U.S.C. 450B) anJ include Alaskan Natives. '
<br />'InOuencing or auempting m inlluence,' as used in this clause, means making, wiih Ihe intrnt w iniluence, any communication to or appeannce before an officer
<br />or employee of any ageMy, a Member of Congress, an offittr or employee of Cong¢ss, or an employee of a blemb<r af Congress in connection with any covercd
<br />Federal action.
<br />'Local government,' az used in Ihis clause, meons a unit o( government in a SuI<and, if charmred, esmblished, or otherwise recognizcd by a Sum for 1h<
<br />perfortnana of a yoverrvn<ntal duty, including a lacal public authoriry, a spttial district, an intrasum district, a cauncil or eovernm<nu, a sponsor graup rcpresmtative
<br />organization, aM any other imtrvmm(ality af a loal Yavernment.
<br />'Officer or employee of an ayeMy,' as uscd in lhis clause, iMludes the followine irdividuals who are employed by an agency:
<br />(a) An individual wha is appointcd to a position in Ihe Governmrnt under tiHe 5, Unitcd States Code, including a posilion under a temporary
<br />appoinNient.
<br />(b) A member of N<uniformed serviees, u defincd in subsection 10I(3), ti11e 37, United Stams Coda ~
<br />0 A special Government cmployee, as defincd in stttion 202, litle 18, Unitcd Stams Code.
<br />(d) An i,Wividual who is a m<mber of a Fed<ral advisory comminee, as defincd by Ihe Federal Advisory Committee Act, litle S, United Sula Code.
<br />app<ndix 2. .
<br />'Person,' as used in Uiis clause, means an individual coryontion, <ompany, assaiation, awhoriry, firtn, parmership, sociery, Snte. aM local Qovernmrnt,
<br />reyaMless or whether such rntity is opentcd for pmfit, or not for profrt. This tertn eacludes an InWian tribe, Iribal oryaninlion, or any other Indian orgonivtion
<br />wiN rupmt lo expeMitures specifically permilted by ather Federai law.
<br />'Reasowble compensation,' at usM in ihis clause means, with respecc to a regularly employcd officer or employee of any person, compentation tlwt is consistent
<br />with nomal campensa[ion for such aff¢er or employee for work Ihu is not turnishcd m, not fuMed by, or mt PomisheJ in cooperation wilh fhe Fedenl
<br />Government. '
<br />'Reuonable paymmt,' as uscd in this clause, means, with rupttt ro profusional and alher IecMical servicu, a payment in an amaunt Ihat is <onsistent with
<br />vnount nwmwlly paid for such servicu in ihe privatc sector.
<br />'Recipient,' u used in Ihis clause, inciudes Ne Contnclor and all subconttaclars. This lerm excludes an Indian Iribe, tribal oreanixation, or any olher IMian
<br />organizmion with respect to cxpendimrts spccifically permiued by othu Fed<ni law.
<br />'ReyWady employcd,' as uscd in this claus<, meam, with mp<ct ro an offittr or employtt or a person requnting or raeivine a Fedenl wntract, an officer or
<br />employtt who is empioycd by euch person for at 1<ast 130 workin; days within 1 year immcdiamiy preccdinE the date of Ne submissian Ihat Iniliatts agrncy
<br />consideration of such person far rec<ipt of such <omnct. An offi«r or employee wlw u employcd by such person tor iess ihan I30 workine days within i yar
<br />immedimety preceding the dam or the mbmission Uhm initiatu agency eomideration of such perwn shali be eonsidered to be regulaAy employed as aoon u he or
<br />26
<br />