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INSTRUCtIONS FOR COMPLETION OF SF-LLL, DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES <br />This disGosure fortn shatl be eompleted by the reporting endty, whethar aubawardeear prime Federal reciplent, at the initlatlon or recoipt of e wvared Federal <br />action, or a material change W a prevlous fitlag, pursuant W tlUe 31 U.S.C. seetlog 1352. The fi0ng of a lortn b required for each peymenlor egreementto make <br />payment to any Iobbying entiry far Inlluendng or ettempting to Influenee en oflker or employeeof any epenq, a Member ot Congress, an o(flcar ar employee oi <br />Congress, a en employeeaf a Memberof Congreu In conneUtonwttA a coveredFederalactlon. Use the SF-LLLA ContinuationSheet (or additional InfortnaUon H <br />the apace on the form is Inadaquate. Canplete all items that epply tor boN the Inttial filing end malerial ehange report Reter to the Implementing guidance <br />published by the Office of Management and Budget tor addiUonal informatlon. <br />1. Identify the rype of covered Federal acUon for which Iobbying actlviry Is andlor has been secured ta influenee the outcome ol a eovered Faderel actian. <br />2. Identify the status ot the covered Federel acGon. . <br />3. Identi(y the appropriateclassificaNon of this repoR. If this Is a folbwup reportcaused by a materialchange lo the infortnatlon previouslyreported, enter <br />the year and quarter in which the change oecurred. Enter the dale of the lasl previouslysubmitted report by this repoRing entity for this covered Federel <br />acUOn. <br />4. Enterthe lull name, address, city, State end zip codeof the repwting entity.lndude CongressionalDisVict, H known. Check the approprlateclassmcation <br />of the reporting enGry that designales if It is, or expeets to be, e prime or subaward recfpient IdenUfy the Uer of the subawardee,e.g., the firet subawardee <br />of the prime Is the t st tier. Subawards Include but are not limited to subcontracb, subgrents and eonVact awards under granLS. <br />5. It the organlzatfonfiling the repoA in Item 4 checks'Subawardee; then enter the tull name, address, Gly, State and zip wde of the prime Federel <br />reGplent. InclWe Cangressionai Distdcl, lf known. <br />6. EnlerNenameoftheFederalagencymakingtheawardorloanwmmitment.Includeatleastoneorganizatbnallevelbebwagencyneme,Hknown.For <br />example, Departmenl of TrensportaNan, UNled SWtes Coast GuaM. 7. Enter the Federelprogram name or descApllon for the covered Fede21 actlon (item 1). I( known, enter the tull Cataiog of Federal Domestlc Ass(stance <br />(CFDA) number tor grants, cooperetive agreements, loans, and loan comm:finents. <br />B. Enter the most appropriate Federal identi(ying number availablefor the Federel actfon IdenUfied in item 1(e.g., Request for Proposal (RFP) number, <br />Invitatlon tor Bid (IFB) number, grent announcementnumher; the conlrect, grant, or loan award number, the applicatioNproposalconWl number <br />assigned by the Federal agenty). Inciude prefizes, e.g.,'RFP-DE-94001 ' . <br />9. For a covered Federel acllon where there has been an award or loan commiVnenl by the Federei agency, enter the Fedaral amount ol the ewardlloan <br />commitmenl for the pdme enUty itlentifled in ttem 4 or S. <br />10. (a) Enter the full name, address, ctty. State and zfp code of the lobbying entity engaged by the reporting entity identifiad in flem 4 to InMence the covered <br />Federel acUon. <br />(b) Enter the tull names of the individual(s) perfortning services, end include lull address H diHerent from 10 (a). Enter Last Name, First Name, and <br />MiCdle INtial (MI). - <br />Enlertheamountofcompensalionpaidorreasonablyexpectedto6epaidbylherepoNngentily(item4)Wthelobbyingentlry(iteml0).IndiwtewheNer <br />the payment has been made (actual) or will be made (planned). Check all bozes Nat appiy. If this Is a mateAal change report, enter the cumulative <br />amount of payment made w planned to be made. . <br />12. Check the appropriatebox(es). Check all boxes that apply. if paymentis made through an in-kind cantribuUon, specHy the nature and value of the in-kfnd <br />paymenL <br />73. Check the appropriale box(es). Cheek all boxes that appiy. If other, specify naNre. <br />74. Provide a specific end detaiieddascripdon of the services that the Iobbyist has perfortned, or will be expected to peAorm, end the date(s) ot any services <br />rendered. Include ail preparetory and related activity, not Just Uma spant in ectual wntad with Federal oKCials. Identily the Federai olficial(s) w <br />employee(s) conWcted or the officer(s), employee(s), ar Member(s) of Congress Ihat were eonlacted. <br />15. Check whether or not e SFLLLA Contlnuatbn Sheet(s) Is attached. <br />18. The eertHying ofAClal shatl aign and date the fortn, pdnl hisTher name, llUe, and telephone number. , <br />According W the PaperworkReduction Act, es amended, no parsons are required to reapond to e cdleeUon of Informatlon unteea It displays a valid OMB Control <br />Number. The valid OMB control wmber for thls Infwmatbn collecllan Is OMB No. 0348-0048. Pubtle repoNng burdan fa Nls eolleetlon of kdortnatbn b <br />estimeted W everage30 minutes per response, Induding tlme tw revtewirg InsWCtbna, searchinp axisting data sourees, gathering and meintaining the data <br />needed, and ampleting and reviewing the collectlon of informatlon. Send comments regarding the burden estlmate or any other espect of Mis wtlectlon o( <br />IntamaUon. Induding suggestions for reduGng this buMen, W the O(Bee ot Managementend Budget, Paperwork Raduction ProJeG (0348-0648), WashingWn. <br />DC 20503. <br />