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12/i3/1z <br />3.6 Expand recreational programming and participation. <br />3.6.1 Continue to support all existing recreational programing. <br />3.6.2 Identify sports, programs, and locations for possible new and expanded <br />recreational programming. <br />3.6.3 Consider expanding aquatic offerings and physical enhancements. <br />3.6.4 Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of a new aquatic building, including possible <br />office space. <br />3.7 Develop excellence in parks maintenance, usage, and offerings. <br />3.7.1 Complete a master parks plan, in two parts, in 2013 and 2014. <br />3.7.2 Evaluate relocating the skate park. <br />3.7.3 Identify and pursue grant funding for skate park improvements and possible <br />relocation. <br />3.7.4 Try to more actively utilize ball fields in different parts of town. <br />3.7.5 Ensure all parks equipment is fully functional and safe at all times, performing <br />regular inspections, maintenance, and repairs. <br />3.7.6 Develop a maintenance and replacement schedule for all parking lots. <br />3.7.7 Repair/replace parking at Sports Complex in 2013-14. <br />3.7.8 Ensure all signage is clear, clean, and accurate. <br />3.7.9 Minimize excessive vegetation, brush, downed limbs, dead trees, etc. <br />3.7.10 Improve parks standards, including consideration of irrigating some areas of <br />certain parks. <br />3.7.11 Consider and fund irrigation and other landscaping improvements at Bywaters <br />Park, in 2013-14. <br />3.7.12 Improve restroom facilities at parks, using easier to maintain and clean <br />equipment. <br />3.7.13 Complete renovation of former TXDOT roadside park on US 82 West. <br />3.8 In cooperation with the city engineer's office, annually evaluate TPWD, TXDOT, and other <br />parks and trail grant opportunities. <br />3.9 Create a safety officer position, utilizing existing personnel, by 04/13. <br />3.10 Establish and adhere to an equipment replacement policy, by 12/13. <br />3.11 Consider creation of a biennial utilities/public works citizens' academy. <br />� <br />