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PROPOSITION NO. 1 <br />Shall the City Council of the City of Paris be authorized to issue the bonds of the <br />City, in one or more series or issues, in the aggregate principal amount of <br />$ , with the bonds of each such series or issue, respectively, to mature <br />serially within not to exceed 40 years from their date, and to be sold at such prices <br />and bear interest at such rates as shall be determined within the discretion of the <br />City Council, for the purpose of constructing and acquiring improvements and <br />equipping the City's waterworks and sewer system, and shall the City Council be <br />authorized to levy and cause to be assessed and collected annual ad valorem taxes <br />in an amount sufficient to pay the annual interest on the bonds and provide a <br />sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity? <br />PROPOSITION NO. 2 <br />Shall the City Council of the City of Paris be authorized to issue the bonds of the <br />City, in one or more series or issues, in the aggregate principal amount of <br />$ , with the bonds of each such series or issue, respectively, to mature <br />serially within not to exceed 40 years from their date, and to be sold at such prices <br />and bear interest at such rates as shall be determined within the discretion of the <br />City Council, far the purpose of constructing, improving, extending, expanding, <br />upgrading and developing streets and roads, bridges and intersections including, <br />utility relocation, landscaping, sidewalks, traffic safeTy and operational <br />improvements, the purchase of any necessary right-of-way, drainage and other <br />related costs, and shall the City Council be authorized to levy and cause to be <br />assessed and collected annual ad valorem taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the <br />annual interest on the bonds and provide a sinking fiznd to pay the bonds at <br />maturity? <br />PROPOSITION NO. 3 <br />Shall the City Council of the CiTy of Paris be authorized to issue the bonds of the <br />City, in one or more series or issues, in the aggregate principal amount of <br />$ , with the bonds of each such series or issue, respectively, to mature <br />serially within not to exceed 40 years from their date, and to be sold at such prices <br />and bear interest at such rates as shall be determined within the discretion of the <br />City Council, for the purpose of constructing, acquiring and installing stormwater <br />drainage and flood control improvements, including dredging, channel <br />improvements and related infrastructure and utility relocation, and the acquisition <br />of land and interests in land necessary for said improvements, and shall the City <br />Council be authorized to levy and cause to be assessed and collected annual ad <br />valorem taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the annual interest on the bonds and <br />provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity? <br />Section 3. The official ballots for the election shall be prepared in <br />accordance with the Code so as to permit the electors to vote "FOR" or <br />