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Nelson S rveying, Company <br /> 920 North Main Street Pads, T'e~as 7546(~ <br />903-785-355t fax 903-785-33~6 e,mail jimn@$targate,tStarner, com <br /> <br /> Situated within the Corporate Limits of the City of Pads, Cou~y of Lamer, and State of Texas, a pan <br />of the Reddin Ru~,seli Su~'ey #788, and being a par[ of a called 22.t28 (ir. #1) acre tract of land <br />Conveyed Pads Investments by deed recorded In Vol, 612, Page 851, of the Deed Reco~Js of said <br />County and State, <br /> Beginning st a nail (f) In a wasller for comer at the Easterly Nor[ comer of a c'alled 2.150 acre <br />tract of land c~nveyed Herman F. Maurc[ et ux by riced recorded in Vol. 836, Page 57, of the Real <br />Properly Records of sale1 County and State, said 2,150 acre tract being known as lot 27, City Block 251 <br />(plat ncl recorded), said point also being the Northea$1 cOmer Of a 24 ff. Easement. <br /> Ttlance North 89'15'3g" We~ e distance of 145.29 feet to a nail (0 in a washer for co,'nar at an el <br />comer of said 2.150 acre tract and the Nor[hwe~ comer of said 24 lt. Easement; <br /> Thence North 2'12'1l)" Wast et t19.91 fi, passing s nail (0 in a washer at t~e Northerly Northeas~ <br />comer of said 2.150 acre tract, and a Seuthena[ comer of a 17.9023 acre tract of land surveyed <br />same day, and contin~ing on a total distance o[ 139.51 ft. to a cappecl (JMN - 4025) )mn pin (s) for <br />comer at an el comer of said 17,9023 acre tract; <br /> Thence North 89'04'05" East a distance of 154.fl9 feet to a capped (JMN - 4025) iron pin {s) for <br />comer at the Easterly '~outheast corner of said 17,9023 acre tract; <br /> Thence along the ,~Vo~ Boundary Line of N. Main St. as follows: Southwesterly around a curve <br />(R~3879.72', C=~outn 1o37'18. West, 60.17 fact) to the left s diotanco of 6017 feet to a cappecl (JMN <br />4025) iron pin {s); South 1't0'36" We. et a distance of 83.68 feet to trte place of beginning a~d ~ontaimng <br />0.4880 acres of lancl, or 21169.16 square fe~t of land, said 0,48~0 acre tract ia be known as I~t 27-B, <br />City Block 251. <br /> <br /> l, J.M, Nelson, Registered Professional Land Surveyor of Texas, #4026, certify that the above <br />depicted ar~ dascnbod tract of land was taken from an actual survey made on the ground and <br />complete~ by ma on the 7th day ct, 2000, that there doesn't appear to be any visible easemenls o~ <br />encroachments other lhan those shown thereon, and [hat this Iract of land does not appear to lie in a <br />flood ;lone as indicated by Community Panel No. 480427 0001 B of th~ Flood Insurance Rate Maps. <br /> <br />J,M. Naleon, RPLS of Texas,//4026 date <br /> <br /> <br />