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Section 3. That there is hereby adopted to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Paris, Paris, <br />Texas, a new Article III to Chapter 7, Sections 7-46 through 7-56, entitled "Substandard and <br />Dangerous Buildings and Structures," to read as follows: <br />"ARTICLE IIL SUBSTANDARD AND DANGEROUS <br />BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES <br />Sec. 7-46. Statutory authority. <br />This ordinance is intended to adopt and implement in the broadest possible <br />terms the powers, duties, and authorities set out in Subchapters B and C of Chapter <br />54 and Sections 214.001, 214.0011, 214.0012, 214.003, and 214.004 of Subchapter <br />A to Chapter 214 of the Local Government Code of the State of Texas, as said <br />statutes apply to the subject matter of this ordinance, and as otherwise stated herein, <br />as well as the home rule powers granted the City of Paris as a home rule city by its <br />charter and state law. Provisions of this ordinance shall not be narrowly construed, <br />but shall be broadly applied to accomplish the stated purposes of this ordinance. <br />Sec.7-47. Definitions. <br />The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this Article III, shall <br />have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly <br />indicates a different meaning: <br />Dangerous building or structure: All buildings or sh-uctures which have any <br />of the following defects or lack of facilities shall be deemed dangerous buildings or <br />sh-uctures: <br />1. All buildings or structures that have become deteriorated through <br />natural causes or by damage through exposure to the elements, <br />especially wind, hail, or rain, or damage through fire to the extent that <br />the roof, windows, or doors, or portions of the house, building, or <br />structure which protect the interior from the weather, would no longer <br />reasonably protect from the weather. <br />2. All buildings or structures which are so structurally deteriorated that <br />they are in danger of collapse, or which cannot be expected to <br />withstand the forces of nature. <br />3. All buildings or sh-uctures of which the floors, walls, ceilings, and all <br />supporting members are not capable of bearing imposed loads safely. <br />Page 3 of 23 <br />