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City Council Meeting <br />February 11, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br />Tem Manning, seconded by Councilman McCarthy, for approval of the <br />resolution. The motion carried 7 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Melenie Barajas, 865 38r'' Street SE, appeared before the City Council stating <br />that her dog was severely injured when he was attacked by a pit bull and could <br />have been saved if the officer had adhered to proper procedures. Ms. Barajas <br />said her dog, King, was injured and in need of immediate medical attention, and <br />Officer Bullard knew it as four or five witnesses were there telling him so. She <br />said these compassionate witnesses were concerned about seeking immediate <br />medical attention for her family pet of nine years, and which was denied by the <br />officer as he informed them that there were proper procedures to follow. Ms. <br />Barajas said she would like for it to be known to all police officers the proper <br />procedures of animal control and urged them to be adhered to. She said that <br />Officer Bullard failed to comply with the procedures that are already in place <br />when he ignored the witnesses' concern for King and deliberately and <br />intentionally left him in the back of an animal control truck for eighteen hours <br />with no food, water, or proper care. She stated that the end result was the <br />inhumane death of her companion animal of nine years. <br />Ms. Barajas submitted that police officers take animal control classes provided <br />free from the Texas Board of Health Department and the Humane Association. <br />This would aid officers in animal control and help ensure safety of the officers, <br />citizens and animals at no cost to the city. <br />Ms. Barajas stated that she would like Officer Bullard severely disciplined or <br />terminated due to not following proper procedures already in place, which are <br />the ones that he assured the witnesses that he would follow, and further stated <br />that records must be accurate and consistent. <br />Ms. Barajas read a memorandum addressed to City Manager Michael Malone <br />regarding this incident and attached hereto as Exhibit A to these minutes. <br />Dr. Michael Leddy, 3150 Clarksville Street, came forward asking the City <br />