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Federal Rate Sharing <br />90/10 <br />Budget Object Ciass <br />a. Personnel <br />$ 0 <br />b. Fringe Benefits <br />$ 0 <br />a Travel <br />$ 0 <br />d. Equipment <br />$ 168,000 <br />e. Supplies <br />$ 0 <br />f. Contractual <br />$ 0 <br />g. Construction <br />$ 0 <br />h. Other <br />$ 0 <br />i. Indirect Charges <br />$ 0 <br />Budget Source <br />Federal Share <br />$ 151,200 <br />Applicant Share <br />$ 16,800 <br />Total Budget <br />$168,000 <br />Application number is 04942 <br />Narratives <br />Piease provide your narrative statement in the space provided below: <br />NARRATIVE 1"Please describe in full the project that you are requesting to be funded." <br />Our project request is for funding to purchese (60) SCBA's with (60) extra cylinders. We believe that this <br />department is very weak in this area and that our current models are lacking in these (3) specific safety <br />areas. Those areas are: no cross contamination prevention, no redundant low air alarm device, and no tag <br />line and/or buddy breathing capability. The total number of SCBA requested would aliow for one unit per <br />person capabiliry. This is very important, due to the fact that during major fireground operations it is not <br />uncommon for this department to require most of its members to respond to an all-call, for assistance. We <br />need the capability to provide for the safety of each member. The request for the additional cylinders will allow <br />for changability at emergency incidents withour having to depend solely on refilling capabilities. <br />The department first purchased SCBA in 1975. The SCBA of choice, at the time was the MSA brand, belt <br />mounted regulator with the 2216 psi steel bottles. These units, up-graded as was possible over the years, <br />have proven to be a necessary tool in our response mRigation efforts. The SCBA has become one of the <br />mainstays in our equipment inventory. We literally use these units, in some capacity, almost every day. As our <br />application shows, we responded to 179 structure fires this past year. That averages to a little over three calis <br />per week: When you combine that total with the other response totals, and realizing that SCBA's are utilized <br />in most of these responses as weil, it is not hard to see how reliant we are on their use. The SCBA is one of <br />the most important components in our overall PPE package. My staff and I have been doing research <br />directed towards the need for this department to complete an upgrade/change-0ver from our current SCBA's <br />to a model that provides a greater level of safery and which more closely follows the recommendations of <br />NIOSH and OSHA as outlined in the OSHA Standards - 29 CFR. <br />NARRATIVE 2"Please provide a detailed description of your planned uses of the grent funds." <br />The primary function of the above mentioned equipment is for performing interior structural <br />search/rescue/recovery and firefighting activities. Secondary use shail include but not limited to the following <br />activfties: training, haz.mat., confined spaces, oxygen deficient atmospheres, etc... . <br />NARRATIVE 3 "Why this program would be beneficial to your community andlor to your department " <br />