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City Council Meeting <br />March 11, 2002 <br />Page 7 <br />Malone indicated that one of the main projects identified in the 2000 Certificates <br />of Obligation Issue was to realign Stillhouse Road between Clement Road and <br />the Loop, in correlation to the Texas Department of Transportation and the <br />alignment to the overpass. This is just preliminary work and a Fly-Over Survey, <br />which is a modern survey technique, will be used to identify all of the landmarks <br />for the establishment of right-of-ways. Hayter Engineering will be presenting <br />several possibilities of right-of-ways for consideration. City Manager Malone <br />indicated that it was necessary to have metes and bounds or a survey for the <br />purchase rights so they will know where they are going. Mayor Pro Tem <br />Manning made a motion to approve, seconded by Councilman McCarthy. The <br />motion carried 5 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Resolution No. 2002-059, approving and authorizing the Mayor to execute and <br />the Assistant City Clerk to attest to a Lease Agreement by and between the City <br />of Paris and Paris Junior College for the lease of property necessary for the <br />creation of a multi-purpose sports complex, was presented. City Manager <br />Malone explained that when the survey was completed, it would be an addendum <br />to the lease agreement with the college. Professional engineering and <br />architectural services would be procured. Terry Townsend, Public Works <br />Director, has already sent out for proposals and would bring the <br />recommendations back to the Council. Councilman McCarthy made a motion to <br />approve, whichwas secondedby Councilman Carter. The motion carried 5 ayes, <br />0 nays. <br />City Manager Malone recommended tabling action on accepting a Deed of <br />Donation of property from Era Mae Franklin, located at 1728 Maple Avenue, to <br />give City Staff time to examine the issue and possibly figure out another <br />solution. A motion to table the action was made by Mayor Pro Tem Manning, <br />seconded by Councilman McCarthy. The motion was approved 5 ayes, 0 nays. <br />Mayor Pfiester called for discussion of possible sites for the location of a new <br />Police/Municipal Courts Building. City Manager Malone reminded the Council <br />that they were instructed in previous meetings to issue Certificates of Obligation <br />