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Item No. 11 <br />Memo�anduln <br />TO: City Council <br />John Godwin, City Manager <br />FROM: Shawn Napier, P.E., Director of Engineering, Planning & Development <br />SUBJECT: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MULTIPLE USE <br />AGREEMENT <br />DATE: 2-5-2013 <br />BACKGROUND: The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) closed the roadside park <br />located at the southeast corner of U.S. Highway 82 (Bonham St.) and SW 41st St. several years <br />ago. City Council has talked about this on Roadside Park on multiple occasions (10-10-2011, <br />10-24-2011, 11-14-2011 and 12-12-2011). Most of the discussion has been about screening the <br />east and south sides of the park. Several proposals have been submitted for consideration. The <br />Council chose the following option. The Agreement proposes rebuilding of the roadway through <br />the park with a flexible base subgrade and two course seal coat surface (small rock placed over <br />asphalt). It also includes two parking areas, as well as three concrete pads for picnic tables and <br />trash cans. The screening that was selected was 100 bushes to be planted four feet apart on the <br />south and east sides of the park. The total cost of these items is estimated at $33,200. <br />STATUS OF ISSUE: The City of Paris can approve the Agreement with TxDOT which will <br />require the city to build the items listed above and maintain the park. Maintenance cost is <br />estimated at approximately $1,200 per year and the construction cost is estimated at $33,200. <br />The City has the option of doing nothing with the property. <br />BUDGET: The cost for all the proposed work is estimated at $33,200.00. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Approve a Resolution approving a Multiple Use Agreement with the <br />Texas Department of Transportation for construction, maintenance and operation of a roadside <br />park located at the southeast corner of U.S. Highway 82 (Bonham St.) and SW 415� St. <br />