160-WAHRAHTV DEEO (Wii14 V[nooh _tLx) TcXAcSiAnonnDFOnw
<br />ul 41P ikM#P IIf U, PxFIfi, ! ~Knnw .~ll lfl~en hg C t~exir Prrsen#s:
<br />(Qnunty nf LAt~tnR. ~
<br />of the County o[ LUBHOCK, State of TEXAS for and in consideration
<br />oFthesumof FORTY-EIGHT HUNDRED artd N01100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<br />. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($4,$00.00) DOLi.nRS
<br />to us paid, and secured to be paid, by BURL ROBISON and wife, MARJORIE ANN
<br />ROBISON, as foilows:
<br />$300.00 in cash, receipt acknowledged, $3,600.00 advanced by First Federa]
<br />Savings and Loan Association of Paris at the special instance and reqtnst
<br />of grantees, receipt acknowledged, evidenced by the vendorTS lien note of
<br />grantees for $3,600.00 of even date herewith, payable to the order of the
<br />said First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Paris, due in monthly
<br />installments of $31•36 each, the first installment due August 23, 1959,
<br />and a like installment due the 23rd day o£ each succeeding month there-
<br />after until said note, both principal and interest, is paid in full, with
<br />interest at the rate of 61 per cent per anniun £rom date, and of such in-
<br />stallments the interest is to be deducted first and the balance applied
<br />against the principal, such note providing the usual 10% attorneys fees
<br />if placed for collection or if collected by law, the vendorTS lien re-
<br />tained herein to secure the payment of said note being hereby assigned to
<br />said First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Paris which is subro-
<br />gated thereto and $900.00 evidenced by the second vendor*s lien note of
<br />grantees for i900.00 of even date herewith, payable to the order of Mil-
<br />ler L. Pirtle, due in monthly installments of $10.00 each, the first in-
<br />stallment due on or before August 23, 1959, and a like installment due
<br />on or be£ore the 23rd day of each succeeding month thereafter until said
<br />note, both principal and interest, is paid in full, and of such install-
<br />ments the interest is to be paid first and the balance applied against
<br />the principal, such note providing the usual 10% attorneys fee if placed
<br />for collection or if collected by law, the vendor+s lien is reLained to
<br />secure the payment of said second vendor's lien note herein, such second
<br />vendorTS lien note being second, subordinate and inferior to the above
<br />said note payable to the order of First Federal Savings and Loan Associa-
<br />tion of Paris, and in further consideration of the assumption by grantees
<br />of all taxes legally and validly assessed for the year 1959 against the
<br />hereinafter described lands and premises,
<br />have Granted, Sold and Conveyed, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said
<br />~p
<br />of the County of- LAMAR State of TERAS~ 9bMbxVM0==
<br />All that certain lot or tract of land situated in Lamar County, Texas,
<br />and described as follows:
<br />A part of the George W. Cox Survey, located on the North side o£
<br />East Polk Street within the City o£ Paris, Texas, and being a part of
<br />the Second Tract of land described in deed from George Phillips and
<br />wife, Bamma Phillips, to H. C. Slate and wife, Mildred Slate, on March
<br />1946, recorded in deed boolc 2$$, Page 166, Lamar County Records.
<br />BEGINNING at a stake on the North side o£ East Polk Street, same
<br />being the SW corner of the above described tract.
<br />TFiENCE East with the NS line o£ Polk Street 50 feet, a stake.
<br />THENCE Morth 195 feet, a stake.
<br />THENCE West 50 feet, a stake.
<br />THENCE South 195 feet to the place o£ beginning; and being the
<br />same property described in deed from H. C. Slate and wi£e, Mildred
<br />Slate, to Miller L. Pirtle and wifa, Phoniel Pirtle, dated September
<br />30, 1946, recorded in Deed Book 293, Page 361, Lamar County Records,
<br />reference to which is here made for all'ilecessary purposes.
<br />a
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