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Motion was made by Johnny Norris, seconded by Wendell Moore for the <br />property owner to demolish the property in 60 days, if not the City has the <br />right to demolish and apply a$1000 per day civil penalty to the property. <br />Motion carried unanimously. 5-0 <br />A. 406 Pine Bluff, City of Paris, Block 37, Lot 4 <br />Owner: Walter Killingsworth — certified mail came back that the property owner <br />is deceased. <br />Robert Talley showed pictures of the deterioration, holes in roof, foundation <br />damage, unsecure, broken windows, and the foundation is sinking into ground. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: 30 days to demolish if not the City has the right <br />to demolish and apply a$1000 per day civil penalty. <br />Motion was made by Vicky Ballard, seconded by Chris Brown to follow <br />Robert Talley's recommendation for the property owner to demolish the <br />property in 30 days, if not the City has the right to demolish and apply a <br />$1000 per day civil penalty to the property. MoNon carried unanimously. 5-0 <br />Don Wilson entered the meeting at 3:28pm. <br />B. 350 NW 4`h, City of Paris, Block 55, Lot 7 <br />Owner: Willie G& Verdie R Williams, 2010 Shiloh St. Paris, TX 75460 <br />Robert Talley stated that he has had no contact with the owners. <br />Robert Talley showed pictures of a tree that has fallen on the house, missing <br />wood, holes in roof, roof line crumbling, and where the porch was ripped off <br />when the tree fall on it. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: 30 days to demolish if not the City has the <br />right to demolish and apply a$1000 per day civil penalty. <br />Motion was made by Johnny Norris, seconded by Vicky Ballard to follow <br />Robert Talley's recommendation for the property owner to demolish the <br />property in 30 days, if not the City has the right to demolish and apply a <br />$1000 per day civil penalty to the property. Motion carried unanimously. 6-0 <br />C. 725 NW 5th, City of Paris, Block 88, Lot 17 <br />Owner: Tavares J Williams, 510 NE 6th Paris, TX 75460 <br />Robert Talley has had no contact with the owner. <br />Robert Talley stated that the property is unsecure, porch is collapsing, doors and <br />windows open, deterioration of wood, house is sinking, missing wood, buckling <br />outward, porch wood cracking, inside junk, litter, and removed doors. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: 30 days to demolish if not the City has the right <br />to demolish and apply a$1000 per day civil penalty. <br />Motion was made by Wendell Moore, seconded by Chris Brown to follow <br />Robert Talley's recommendation for the property owner to demolish the <br />-- 14 <br />