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The City's bond debt decreased by $4,570,000 (19.79%) during the fiscal year. The City recently received an <br />underlying bond rating from Moody's of Aa3. <br />The maximum tax rate permitted by Article XI, Section 5 of the State of Texas constitution is $2.50 per $100 <br />of assessed valuation. Consequently, no legal debt margin can be calculated. The state attorney general has <br />traditionally allowed up to $1.50 per $100 valuation to be applied to debt service. The City levied a tax rate of <br />$0.52 per $100 valuation for the 2011-12 fiscal year. This rate was broken down into $0.41 per $100 <br />valuation for operations and $0.11 per $100 valuation for debt service. Using the traditional allowance of the <br />state attorney generai as a guide, the City of Paris is utilizing only 7.33% of its debt capacity. <br />Additional information on the City's long-term debt can be found in note IV. F. of the notes to the financial <br />statements. <br />Economic Factors and Next Year's Budgets and Rates <br />• Sales tax revenues are projected to remain flat in the coming year. <br />• New construction amounted to 10 residential units and 13 commercial units. <br />• Local population growth is expected to be minimal. <br />• The tax rate is expected to remain at or below $.52 per $100 of value. <br />• Electrical utility franchise fees are expected to hold steady. <br />All of these factors were considered in preparing the City's budget for 2012-13. <br />Requests for Information <br />This financial report is designed to provide a general overview of the finances of the City of Paris for all those <br />with an interest in the government's finances. Questions concerning any of the information provided in this <br />report or requests for additional information should be addressed to the Office of the Finance Director, 135 <br />S.E. First Street, City of Paris, Texas 75460. <br />11 <br />