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Paris Economic Development Corporation <br />(A Component Unit of the City of Paris, Texas) <br />Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) <br />September 30, 2012 <br />Note 3: Deposits and Investments <br />PEDC maintains accounts in several fmancial institutions. At September 30, 2012, the carrying <br />amount of demand deposits and certificates of deposit was $768,850 and the bank balance was <br />$792,137, which was covered by federal depository insurance for $697,137. <br />Note 4: Public Funds Investment Pools <br />Public funds investment pools in Texas (Pools) are established under authority of the Interlocal <br />Cooperation Act, Chapter 79 of the Texas Government Code, and are subject to the provisions of the <br />Public Funds Investment Act (the Act), Chapter 2256 of the Texas Government Code. In addition to <br />other provisions of the Act designed to promote liquidity and safety of principal, the Act requires <br />Pools to: 1) have an advisory board composed of participants in the Pool and other persons who do <br />not have a business relationship with the Pool and are qualified to advise the Pool; 2) maintain a <br />continuous rating of no lower than AAA or AAA-m or an equivalent rating by at least one nationally <br />recognized rating service; and 3) maintain the market value of its underlying investment portfolio <br />within one-half of one percent of the values of its shares. <br />PEDC's investments in Pools are reported at an amount determined by the fair value per share of the <br />Pool's underlying portfolio, unless the Pool is 2a7-like, in which case they are reported at share <br />value. A 2a7-like Pool is one which is not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission <br />(SEC) as an investment company, but nevertheless has a policy that it will, and does, operate in a <br />manner consistent with the SEC's Rule 2a7 of the Investment Company Act of 1940. <br />Temporary investments at September 30, 2012, are invested in Lone Star Investments, $390,863, <br />(Texas Political Subdivisions Investment Pool) and MBIA Municipal Investors Service Corp., <br />$2,370,911. These investments are reported with the bank accounts as Cash and Cash Equivalents. <br />Note 5: Bonds Payable <br />PEDC has outstanding Paris Economic Development Corporation Sales Tax Revenue Refunding <br />Bonds, Series 2010, originally issued at $2,685,000, bearing interest at 2.32% to 439%. Principal <br />payments are due serially in varying annual amounts to September l, 2018, from $290,000 to <br />$340,000. <br />Sales and Use Taxes (one-quarter of one percent) levied by the City of Paris, Texas, within its <br />boundaries under the Development Corporation Act of 1979, are pledged for payment of bonds and <br />interest. The resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds requires that monthly deposits be made <br />to the Debt Service Fund in an amount sufficient to pay the next maturing bonds and interest. <br />A Reserve Fund is required to be maintained with a balance of at least $346,192, the average annual <br />principal and interest requirements of the bonds. At September 30, 2012, the balances in the Debt <br />Service Fund and Reserve Fund are $73,964 and $470,977, respectively. <br />