The Grantee agrees as follows:
<br />
<br /> t. The Grantee hereby acknowledges and confirms that the sale, transfer, and
<br />conveyance in this Deed without Warranty of all of the Granfor's right, title, and i~terest in
<br />the Property is made without any warranty of any nature, kind, or character whatsoever,
<br />either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranty as to (a) the quality,
<br />nature, adequacy, and physical condition of the Property, including, but not limited to, the
<br />structural elements, foundation, roof, appurtenances, access, landscaping, parking
<br />facilities, and electrical, mechanical, HVAC, plumbing, sewage, and utittly systems,
<br />facilities, and appliances, (b) the quality, nature, adequacy, and physical condition of
<br />solts, geology, and any groundwater, (c) the existence, quality, nature, adequacy, and
<br />physical condition of utilities serving the Property, (d) the development potential, income
<br />potential or operating expenses of, the Property, (e) the Property's value, use, habitability,
<br />or memhantsbility, (f) tho fitness, suitsb lity, or adequacy of the Property for any particular
<br />use or purpose, (g) the zoning or other legal status of the Property or any other public or
<br />private restrictions on the use of the Property, (h) the compliance of the Property or its
<br />operation with all codes, taws, roles, regulations, statutes, ordinances, covenants,
<br />Judgments, orders, directives, decisions, guidelines, conditions, and resections
<br />(collectively, the "Laws") of any governmental or quasi-governmental entity or of any other
<br />person or entity, including, without limitation, the Environmental Laws (as hereinafter
<br />defined), (i) the presence of Hazardous Materials (as hereinafter defined) on, under, or
<br />about the Property or the adjoining or neighboring property, (j) the quality of any labor and
<br />materials used in any improvements included in the property, (k) ~he title to the Property,
<br />· (1) any leases, service contracts, or other agreements affecting the property, (m) the
<br />economiCs of the operation of the property, (n) the freedom of the Property, including all
<br />improvements located thereon, from vices or defects, (o) the freedom of the Property from
<br />either latent or apparent dafe~c~, (P) peaceable ~ossession of the Property, (q)
<br />environmental matters of any kind or nature whatsoever relating to the property, including
<br />all improvements located thereon, and (r) any other matter or matters of any nature or
<br />kind whatsoever relating to the Property.
<br />
<br /> 2. The Grantee hereby acknowledges and confirms that as a material and
<br />integral consideration for the execution of this Deed without Warranty by the Grantor, the
<br />C~rantee waives and releases the Grantor from any and all claims and causes of actioo
<br />that the Grantee may have or hereafter may be otherwise entitled to, based on (a) the
<br />quality, nature, adequacy, and physical condition of the property, including, but not limited
<br />to, the stn~ctural elements, foundation, roof. appur[enances, access, landscaping, parking
<br />facilities, and electrical, mechanical, HVAC, plumbing, sewage, and utility systems,
<br />facilities, and appliances, (b) the quality, nature, adequacy, and physical condition of
<br />soils, geology, and any gmundwatsr, (c) the existence, quality, nature, adequacy, and
<br />physical condition of utilities serving the ProperlY, (d) the development potential, income
<br />Potentiat. or operating expenses of the property, (a) the property's value, use, habitabifity,
<br />or merchantability, (f) the fitness, suitability, or adequacy of the Property for any particular
<br />use or purpose. (g) the zoning or other legal status of the Property or any other Ifublic or
<br />private restdctions on the use of the Property, (h) the compliance of the Property or its
<br />operation with all Laws of any govemmental or quasl-govemmentsl entity or of any other
<br />person or entity, including, without limitation, the Environmental Laws (as hereinafter
<br />defined), (i) the presence of Hazardous Mata~als (as hereinafter defined) on. under, or
<br />about the Property or the adjoining or neighboring properbJ, (~) the quality of any labor and
<br />materials used in any improvements included in the Property, (k) the title to the Property,
<br /> any leases, service contracts, or other agreements affecting the Property, (m) the
<br /> el)conomics of the operation of the Property. (n) the freedom of the Property, including alt
<br /> improvements located thereon, from vices or defects, (o) the freedom of the Property from
<br /> either latent or apparent defects, (p) peaceable possession of the Property, (q)
<br /> environmental matters of any kind or nature whatsoever relating to the Property, including
<br /> all improvements located thereon, and (r) any other matter or matters of any nature or
<br />
<br />- 3-
<br />
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<br />
<br />
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