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04.22.13 MINUTES
City Council
04.22.13 MINUTES
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5/15/2013 11:01:31 AM
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5/15/2013 11:01:31 AM
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Regular Council Meeting <br />April 22, 2013 <br />Page 5 <br />Manager Roger Coan, and Director of Engineering Kasey Floyd. Mr. Keaton expressed <br />appreciation to the City Council and PEDC. He said the tax abatement was important to Skinner <br />and that over the next eighteen months Skinner would bring life to the plant. Mr. Keaton said <br />two lines of production would be moved to this plant the second week in May and that Skinner <br />had partnered with a company that produced fruit for them, which will be produced in the plant. <br />Mr. Keaton said Skinner's plans for Paris had grown since the company acquired the vacated <br />Sara Lee facility in December. Mayor Hashmi told Mr. Keaton they were very happy to have <br />Skinner as part of the community. Council Member Frierson thanked Skinner for their <br />dedication in coming to Paris. Council Member Grossnickle welcomed Skinner to the <br />community. Council Members expressed appreciation and willingness to work with Mr. Keaton <br />and Skinner. <br />18. Receive and discuss Audit Report FY 2011-2012. <br />Mr. Anderson stated that the City Charter required City Council select a qualified public <br />accountant to conduct an independent audit of the City's financial records annually and required <br />the finance director to prepare a complete financial report as the end of the fiscal year. He said <br />the report included in their agenda packets met both requirements. Tom Hensel from <br />McClanahan and Holmes reviewed a summary of the City's assets, balance sheet, revenue, <br />expenditures, fund balances, water and sewer funds. <br />A Motion to accept the audit report was made by Council Member Drake and seconded <br />by Council Member Lancaster. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />19. Presentation regarding mosquito control. <br />Paris-Lamar County Health Department Director Gina Prestridge explained that <br />prevention of the West Nile virus had begun a month ago. She said they had partnered with the <br />City of Paris, in that city employees had the dunks in their vehicles and were placing them <br />where needed, and that a code enforcement officer was working an additional hour everyday also <br />putting out mosquito dunks. Ms. Prestridge also said that city employee Ed Wayne Samis was in <br />the process of becoming a licensed applicator, so that he could fog or spray for mosquitos. She <br />added that Mr. Coe would start fogging the iirst week of May and would continue until Mr. <br />Samis became licensed. <br />20. Discuss the May 11, 2013 bond election. <br />Mayor Hashmi reminded everyone of the upcoming election and asked Council Members <br />to encourage residents in their districts to vote in the election. <br />21. Receive report from Citizens' CIP committee. <br />Mayor Hashmi said that he requested this item be placed on the agenda. He said he <br />wanted to remind the committee of the general guidelines set by Council, which were that first <br />preference should go to all industrial locations, that the next preference should be given to West <br />
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