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VI. Water Conservation, Drought Contingencv, and Avoidance of Waste <br />The City has adopted and implemented a Water Conservation and Drought Contingency <br />Plan that has been submitted to and approved by TCEQ pursuant to the requirements of 30 TAC <br />Chapter 288. A copy of the TCEQ letter approving the City's Water Conservation and Drought <br />Contingency Plan is included herewith as Attachment C. These plans include provisions that <br />allow the City to enforce conservation of supplies on customers, thereby reducing the <br />consumption of water, and the loss or waste of water, so that a water supply is made available for <br />future or alternative uses. <br />As defined in both 30 TAC § 295.9 and Texas Water Code § 11.002(8), "conservation" <br />means those practices that will "reduce the consumption of water, reduce the loss or waste of <br />water, impYOVe the efficiency in the use of water, or increase the recycling and reuse of water so <br />that a water supply is made available for future or alternative uses." [Emphasis Added]. <br />Allowing the City to serve customers within Lamar County for agricultural purposes will <br />maximize the efficient use of existing surface water supplies. Such efficiency, along with the <br />City's water conservation and drought contingency plans, will allow the City to avoid waste and <br />achieve water conservation in the provision of water to customers within Lamar County. <br />VII. Impacts on Other Water Rights Holders or the On-Stream Environment <br />A. The Full-Use Assumption <br />The City's proposed amendment to add an agricultural purpose of use to COA 02-4940A <br />will not have any impact on other water rights holders or the on-stream environment on Sanders <br />Creek tributary. The City is currently authorized to divert and fully consume up to 20,000 acre- <br />feet of water per annum for industrial use purposes within the Sulphur River Basin pursuant to <br />COA 02-4940A, and pursuant to Texas Water Code § 11.046(c), which provides that water <br />authorized for diversion can be "beneficially used and reused" without limit. Unless provided <br />otherwise in a water right, there is no restriction against full consumption of water properly <br />authorized for diversion by the state. Pursuant to the "full use assumption" of Texas Water Code <br />§ 11.122(b), the City's use of a portion of its 20,000 acre-feet of water rights for agricultural <br />purposes within the Sulphur Basin will not cause an adverse impact on other water rights holders <br />or the on-stream environment of a greater magnitude than if the City fully exercised its rights as <br />currently authorized in COA 02-4940A. By employing the Water Code's "full use assumption," <br />there is no circumstance under which downstream water rights or the environment will be <br />harmed by the City's proposed amendment. The City does not seek to move or add a diversion <br />point, increase the rate at which it diverts water, or increase the amount of water the City is <br />currently authorized to divert and fully consume. The City merely asks to add an agricultural <br />purpose of use to its existing COA 02-4940A so that the City will have the ability to provide <br />water to customers for agricultural use within the Sulphur Basin in Lamar County. <br />3�52525.� 8 3 3 <br />