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Regular Council Meeting <br />May 13, 2013 <br />Page 5 <br />23. Discuss and act on policies and plans for annexation/disannexation requests. <br />City Manager John Godwin said they had previously discussed an overall policy for <br />annexations/disannexations. Mr. Godwin specifically reviewed seven criteria for annexation, <br />which included enclave, urban development, growth center, adverse impact, option to expand, <br />populated area and long-term development. He explained disannexation would be just the <br />opposite in that if none of the seven criteria happened, then a disannexation would be <br />appropriate. Mr. Godwin further explained that residents only paid for services they received <br />from the City. He said if a resident does not get water or sewer, that resident does not get a water <br />or sewer bill. He emphasized that this should be looked at from a holistic view, not one lot here <br />and one lot there and recommended that Council approve the policy. Council Member Wright <br />stated that county water was more expensive than city water, and he felt residents would rather <br />have city sewer than septic tanks. Mayor Hashmi said he did agree there needed to be a <br />consistent policy, but he thought if the City could give a discount to those residents who did not <br />have water and sewer that the City should do so. He said if the City could not give a discount, <br />and they were going to keep them in the City, that he thought they should sincerely try all efforts <br />to get water and sewer services to them or least develop a plan as to when the City will provide <br />those services to the residents. Mr. Godwin said some of the residents were in areas the City <br />could not sell water to because they were in the CCN. Council Member Frierson said the CCN <br />was a real issue and inquired about the rate. Mr. Godwin said that rate was set by the State of <br />Texas and the rate did not change whether the City got bigger or smaller. Mr. Godwin said staff <br />would get a CCN and ETJ map to the City Council prior to Council making a final decision. <br />Mayor Hashmi said he would like more time to review the policy. <br />A Motion to table this item was made by Council Member Drake and seconded by <br />Council Member Frierson. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. Mayor Hashmi asked that this item <br />be placed on the June 24`h agenda. <br />Mayor Hashmi said he wanted to move item 28 forward on the agenda. A Motion to <br />move item 28 forward was made by Council Member Grossnickle and seconded by Council <br />Member Hashmi. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />28. Consider and approve future events for City Council and/or City Staff pursuant to <br />Resolution No. 2004-081. <br />Mayor Hashmi said that Paris News reporter Krista Goerte was getting married and had <br />accepted a job in the metroplex. On behalf of the City Council, Mayor Hashmi expressed <br />appreciation for her services to the City and presented her with a key to the City. <br />24. Discuss criteria and guidelines for creation of a residential tax abatement program. <br />City Attorney Kent McIlyar explained that Council would need to establish five policy <br />areas if they decided to move forward with a residential tax abatement program. He said the first <br />to be considered was the reinvestment zone as related to identification of the areas they wanted <br />