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LAND SURVEYORS <br /> <br /> FIELD NOTES FOR HULL BARBEE ET AL <br /> <br />100.273 Acre Tract: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Lamar County, State of Texas, a <br />part oftbe Redin Russell Survey A-786 and a part of the City of Paris and being a part of that 446.722 <br />acre Second Tract conveyed by J. D. McLanghlln, Independent Executor to B. Hull Barbee et al as <br />recorded in Vol. 214, p. 190 of the Real Property Records of said County and bounded as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a ½" steel rod found for comer in an occupied north boundary line of the aforemen- <br />tioned 446.722 acre tract at a point which bears N 89°53'13" E, 449.89 ft. cfa ½" steel rod found at <br />the occupied most westerly northwest comer oftbe 446.722 acre tract, said beginning comer being the <br />northeast comer of that 2.789 acre tract conveyed by George Michael Barbee et al to Fam Rec Ventures, <br />Inc. '(Vol. 678;p. 304 - Real Prope~y Records) and the southeast comer of that 2.789 acre tract conveyed <br />by George Michael Barbee et al to Faro Rec Ventures, Inc. (Vol. 513, p. 326 - Real Property Records), <br />said beginning comer lays in the occupied south boundary line of that 123.8 acre tract conveyed by Mrs. <br />Sarah A. Hull et al to Hannah Bailey (Vol. 235, p. 585 - Deed Records); <br />THENCE N 89052'42'' E along a fence for the occupied north boundary line of the 446.722 acre tract <br />and the south boundary line of the aforementioned 123.8 acre tract, 760.94 Il. to a typical steel rod set <br />for angle point (typical steel rod is a 'A" x 24" steel rod with surveyor's cap marked "Hampton"); <br />TI-IENCE N 89°41 '56" E continuing along the fence for the occupied common boundary line, 574.73 fl. <br />to a typical steel rod set for angle point; <br />THENCE N 88°56'41" E continuing along the fence for the occupied common boundary line, 491.08 It. <br />to a typical steel rod set for comer by a fence comer post, said comer being a called ell corner in the <br />boundary line oftbe 446.722 acre Tract; <br />THENCE South, 1006.10 fl. to a typical steel rod set for comer in a fence lbr an occupied south bound- <br />ary line oftbe 446.722 acre tract and the north boundary line of that 172.5 acre tract conveyed by Lamar <br />State Bank & Trust Company to Mrs. Mary Belie Dunagan (V~I. 208, p. 316 - Deed Records), a witness <br />fence comer post bears S 89045, E, 27.2 fl. of said comer, <br />TI-~NCE N 89°45'02" W along the fence for the occupied common boundary line, 175.00 It. to a typical <br />steel rod set for angle point; <br />THENCE S 89025'42" W continuing along the fence for the occupied common boundary line, 167.53 It. <br />to a typical steel ro~l set for comer by a fence comer post, said comer being an occupied ell comer in the <br />boundary line oftbe 446.722 acre tract; <br />THENCE S 1°12'05" W continuing along a fence for the occupied common boundary line, 214.95 Il. to a <br />typical steel rod set for comer by a fence comer post, said comer being a called comex in the common <br /> <br />THENCE N 89043'23'' W continuing along a fence for the occupied common boundary line, 209.81 fl. to <br />a typical steel rod set for comer by a fence comer post, said comer being a called corner in the common <br />~undary line; <br />THENCE S 2°09'21" E continuing along the t~nce for the occupied east boundary line of the 446.722 <br />acre tract and the west boundary line of the 172.5 acre tract, 439.71 ft. to atypical steel rod set for angle <br />point; <br /> <br /> P.O. Box 1283 · 303 North Van Buren Avenue <br /> Mt. Pleasant, Texas 75456-1283 o VOICE/FAX: (903) 572-2076 <br /> <br /> <br />