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City Council Meeting <br />Aug. 12. 2002 <br />Page 8 <br /> <br />expenses for the same time were $892,383.00 and had only projected <br />$804,882.00 and they were over by $87,501.00, but the net effect was a <br />positive $33,566.67. Mr. Klinkerman pointed out that by the tenth month the <br />EMS was $220,845.00 over in revenue. He said this is the trend they like and <br />hope for and they would like for it to continue. <br /> <br />Mr. Klinkerman stated that the EMS has had more injury hours this year and <br />discussed this with the City Council. <br /> <br />Councilwoman Neeley wanted to know if the Dispatchers for the City of Paris <br />dispatch for the Police, Fire, County and EMS. Mr. Klinkerman explained the <br />dispatch system and how calls were dispatched to the respective departments. <br />Mr. Klinkerman added that the city also dispatches for the first responder. The <br />City of Paris has twelve first responder groups throughout the county and they <br />do a fantastic job. Mr. Klinkerman stated that the cost for training the first <br />responders comes from his budget. <br /> <br />Councilman Bell asked how the city comes up with the cost of the dispatch <br />charge. <br /> <br />Gene Anderson, Director of Finance, advised that originally the dispatch <br />allocation was 25% of the dispatcher cost for ten dispatchers. That was <br />increased when 911 came to the Paris Police Station, and the city added two <br />dispatchers at that time. He went on to explain that the city currently has <br />twelve dispatchers. Twenty-five percent of the pay for each of the first ten <br />dispatchers, and one-hundred percent of the pay for the last two dispatchers is <br />allocated towards the contract. So Lamar County has been paying 40% of the <br />37.5% for dispatcher cost. <br /> <br />City Attorney Schenk advised that the shortfall cost to Lamar County for this <br />year was $341,000.00, and under the new projection year the county's <br />projection share of the shortfall is $294,324.00 and the city's projected shortfall <br />is $441,486.00 and that is down from the settle up number of $502,000.00. <br /> <br /> <br />