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PEDC Meeting <br />November 20, 2002 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />not think EDA is going to give the assistance that they asked for. <br /> <br />Mr. Vest reported that things had been quiet on Project Winter. Although another <br />packet had been submitted, they had not heard from the company. The only way to <br />contact the company is through Todd Thompson with Oncor or Angie Mendez with <br />the Texas Department of Economic Development. <br /> <br />President Guest announced that the next item on the agenda was to consider <br />authorizing the negotiation of an economic development assistance agreement with <br />Paris Custom Trailer. <br /> <br />Director Fendley excused himself due to conflict of interest and he departed the <br />meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Vest advised the Board that Paris Custom Trailer is a small manufacturing <br />company in Paris and has been doing business since 1982. They have about twenty <br />employees. He said that Cleve Fendley is the owner of the business and Mr. Fendley <br />would like to expand his business. Mr. Vest advised that Mr. Fendley had looked <br />at selling the business, but he is at the point where he wants to expand the operation. <br />Mr. Vest said his financial statements for five years show that this is a profitable <br />business. Mr. Fendley wants to add six new bays and add ten new employees to his <br />operation. Mr. Vest had advised Mr. Fendley that PEDC's flexible incentive plan <br />normally grants $2,000.00 per job. Mr. Fendley is requesting that assistance. <br /> <br />After discussion, a motion was made by Director Severson, seconded by Director <br />Dunn, authorizing Mr. Vest and the City Attorney to work out an agreement with Mr. <br />Fendley and bring that agreement back to the Board for approval. The motion carried <br />unanimously, voting 3-0, with Director Fendley having left the meeting. <br /> <br />Director Fendley returned to the meeting and assumed his seat. <br /> <br />Director Guest called for consideration of and action on authorizing the negotiation <br /> <br /> <br />