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Special Meeting of the City Council <br />September 17, 2002 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />City Manager Malone said another question was with regard to the definition <br />of Minor Apparatus in the Fire Department budget. He explained that Minor <br />Apparatus is line item number 0209 and under that line item there are regular <br />purchases of $10,000.00; $1,200.00 for rescue ropes and equipment, <br />$1,500.00 for replacement telephones, three vehicle radios in the amount of <br />$1,900.00, $1,050.00 for a replacement radio for one of the fire engines. Those <br />items total $15,650.00. <br /> <br />Rick Evans, Fire Marshal, came forward stating that most of the radios in the <br />vehicles are old and they cannot get parts for them any more and that is the <br />reason for updating them over the last few years. <br /> <br />City Manager Malone explained that, in the capital line items, because of this <br />new accounting rule there is $13,250.00 for fire hose replacement that was on <br />a 1990 vehicle that was defective and he has moved that from the capital <br />account into minor apparatus because it fits into this category. City Manager <br />Malone said also in the capital account, there was$240,000.00 that was cut <br />back to $170,000.00 of grant money for the SCBA Breathing Apparatus and <br />$25,000.00 for the match. City Manager Malone said there is a corresponding <br />revenue account of $170,000.00, and if the grant is not forthcoming, then the <br />$25,000.00 will be used for replacement packs for the current SCBA System. <br />If the grant money is received, the money will be used to completely replace the <br />system. The total for line item 0209, Minor Apparatus is $223,900.00. He <br />explained that he had cut quite a bit before the City Council received the <br />proposed budget. <br /> <br />Mr. Malone reported that the balance in Machinery, Tools and Equipment <br />resulted after the cuts of $34,000 for two thermo-imagining viewers, $6,000 <br />for a traffic signal, $5,000 for training computers, $5,000 for treadmill <br />replacement and $20,000 for personal protective equipment. <br /> <br />During a discussion regarding firefighters, Fire Marshal Evans advised that <br />there is a law in Texas which states two men in and two men out. He said they <br /> <br /> <br />