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(6) in a City outside oftbe regular territorial jurisdiction of the District, a <br />District law enforcement officer shall also notify the City chief of police or marshal. <br />7.04 Command. While exercising extraterritorial police power under this <br />Agreement, including conducting a Task Force investigation: <br /> <br /> (1) in a City outside the regular territorial jurisdiction of the County, a County <br />law enforcement officer shah be under the formal command of the City chief of police or <br />marshal, acting through the Task Force supervisor; <br /> <br /> (2) in a District outside the regular territorial jurisdiction of the County, a <br />County taw enforcement officer shall be under the formal command of the district <br />attorney, acting through the Task Force supervisor; <br /> <br /> (3) in a County outside the regular territorial jurisdiction of the City, a City law <br />enforcement officer shall be under the formal command of the County sheriff, acting <br />through the Task Force supervisor; <br /> <br /> (4) in a District outside the regular territorial jurisdiction of the City, a City law <br />enforcement officer shall be under the formal command of the district attorney, acting <br />through the Task Force supervisor; <br /> <br /> (5) in a County outside the regular territorial jurisdiction of the District, a <br />District law enforcement officer shah be under the formal command oftbe County <br />sherif[ acting through the Task Force supervisor; and <br /> <br /> (6) in a City outside the regular territorial jurisdiction of the District, a District <br />law enforcement officer shall be under the formal command of the City chief of police or <br />marshal, acting through the Task Force supervisor. <br /> <br />7.05 Other Authority. Nothing in this Agreement limits the anthodty of a law <br />enforcement officer to act under state law, including: <br /> <br /> (1) a citizen's arrest or an extraterritorial arrest authorized under Chapter 14, <br />Code of Criminal Procedure, or other law; or <br /> <br /> (2) an action taken in the presence of and under the direction of or to assist <br />another peace officer with appropriate territorial jurisdiction. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE VIII <br /> <br />CONTINUATION OF TERRITORIAL AND INVESTIGATIVE JURISDICTION <br /> <br />cle-attyhNarc\Task Force~dutualCoophtralt5 .doc 6-7-02 Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br /> <br />