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one of the regional planning meetings so that some of this money could be used for this <br />type study. The Committee turned us down. I sought funding elsewhere. <br /> <br /> I contacted the Texas Water Development Board and they said that no grants were <br />available for these studies, but they could conduct the study if we wanted one done. The <br />price for the study was estimated to be $14,500.00 depending on the actual size of the lake <br />as determined by the study. <br /> <br /> Last fall, the TWDB contacted me and said that they had found a program (Public <br />Law 101-540, Section 319 and Public Law 93-251, Section 22) whereby we could save <br />some money in doing the study. Working with the assistance of the Corps of Engineers, <br />the TWDB would conduct the study for $8,300.00 +/- as above. <br /> <br /> I contacted the TWDB and the Corps of Engineers and they have sent us the <br />paperwork to get this study initiated. If it is approved by the Council, I expect the study <br />to be completed before summer. <br /> <br /> In this years budget, $25,000.00 has been allocated for "Lake Crook Special <br />Project". While this money was to be used to replace some more of the concrete panels on <br />the face of the dam, I think it would be appropriate to use a portion of it to do this study <br />and to take advantage of the assistance offered by the Corps of Engineers. <br /> <br /> <br />