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Regular Council Meeting <br />August 12, 2013 <br />Page 4 <br />City Attorney Kent McIlyar said in follow -up to the Council meeting of July 15th, staff <br />took directions and developed a new map identified as reinvestment zone 2013 -1. <br />Council Member Drake said Jim Bell's comments brought up questions and how much <br />would the residential tax abatement help the citizens. She also said there were three areas in her <br />district that she would like to eventually add to the zone. Council Member Grossnickle <br />questioned how much tax relief the residents would actually receive. Council Member Lancaster <br />said she would like for them to give some relief to the citizens and Council Member Jenkins <br />agreed. Council Member Wright said he thought they should move forward with the abatement, <br />because every little bit helped the citizens. Mayor Hashmi said he thought they should carry out <br />what they initially discussed and make adjustments later, as needed. <br />Mayor Hashmi opened the public hearing and asked for anyone wishing to speak in <br />support or opposition of this item, to please come forward. Daigone Garner a member of the <br />PJC Board of Regents, spoke in opposition of this item. She wanted to know who would profit <br />from the abatement and who was going to oversee it. Ms. Garner said she understood there were <br />a lot of realtors buying property and letting them deteriorate and questioned if that was helping <br />the poor people and they couldn't help people who did not want help. Johnny Lee, 2306 <br />Simpson, said he was not for or against the residential tax abatement. He said he supported Mr. <br />Bell's view, but was not clear of the impact it would have on him. He also said for those who <br />live on a fixed income, taxes were regressive. Jim Bell, 720 -39th, he reiterated that he did not <br />say the abatement would not help and the real problem was when residents got the increase from <br />the other taxing authorities. Carol Hufnagel, 720 Bunker, she inquired about listing the <br />delinquent tax notices in the local paper and asked if that could be done. Mr. Anderson said that <br />could be published in the newspaper and in the past, the City did so. He said the current practice <br />was to assign collection to the delinquent tax attorney. Larry Schenk, 3765 Dawn Drive, he <br />inquired why rehabilitation relief was not applied for District 7. He said there were a lot of <br />retirees in his area and essentially on fixed income. With no one else speaking, Mayor Hashmi <br />closed the public hearing. <br />Council Member Wright said he would like to give the abatement, but would like to <br />consider other issues and it might be best to have additional time on this item. Council Member <br />Jenkins agreed. Council Member Lancaster said the abatement was the first step and that she <br />would like to explore other ways to help with rehabilitation and development. Council Member <br />Grossnickle said he did not have a problem with postponing this item. Council Member Frierson <br />agreed with Council Member Grossnickle and asked that Council be provided with a formal <br />report from the housing committee. Council Member Drake favored tabling this item until the <br />questions brought forward could be answered. Mayor Hashmi said he liked Mr. Schenk's ideal <br />and was in agreement to postpone this item to allow for additional review. <br />A Motion to table this item was made by Mayor Hashmi and seconded by Council <br />Member Drake. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />A Motion to bring item 19 forward on the Agenda was made by Council Member Wright <br />and seconded by Council Member Lancaster. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />