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ACQUISITION METHODS AND APPRAISALS <br /> <br />1. ~ Acqui~onollandandwaLer, a'in~Bfe~tslhereiA, When awaive, isneeded, il should be r~quested by lhe sponse~, lhemcluesl <br />may be accomplished through purchase, eminent domain, tmnder, gilt, should include a justification for the waiver and a ~tement ol how a proposed <br />mandatmy dedication, (x olhe~ means. The De~ar~nent encourages public substitute repod or system wou~l meel Ihe need d the Depaflment to [~ify <br />pelides and poced~es for Ihe acqu~ion of mat pmpen'y O'at me fak and payme~s Imm the TRPA program. <br />comis~nt, and directed toward givi~ the pmf~e~y OWller Ihe MI measure d <br />~thout prolonged nego~a6on or co~ty liligalion, a quaflfied pemm fa' all mai pTepmly to be taken. Il mrna than m~e paJcel b b be <br /> amuimd, all parcels shall be appraised in ~e same repro!. IrM:rnf, dual ~ <br />A. Evmy reasonable effort should be made le acquire real pa:~edy by a means al:~sal repods will not be revi~ed bYthe Depadme~, n°r are they dgt~ kx <br />e{her than mnineflt domain or condemnalJon. TRPA assislanm. Standards la. appraisals used shall be caflsisteflC to ~e exteflk <br /> <br />B. Real property should be appraised before Ihe ifliliatio~ of negofia~ns. Rn(f, ngsolValue (C below), the al:~ shouldbean anal~cal <br />TRPA assMa~ce wia be based on the cuflent lair marketvaJuedmalpmpmtYas following cune~ p~essienal a,qxaisal Fac~ces involving the app,lk:a6on ol <br /> <br />Del:]mlmenC Pmpedyownemshallbeaffmded an eppodunity to accempanylhe depmcialJoa, ar, dinceme ai~ to value. CXhm'~o{therelx~,such <br /> <br />agmementmlxice. Ifanaoj, eeme~doesflotap~arposs~eaftera~ 1he fem~lity and de'tail of required documer, latJon will be delem',ined, as <br />period of nego~aUon, U~e pmj~t qoonsor may, if authorized by law, iflslJtute described below, by the value M the mai pmpmty involved in each Ir~ance. <br />co~J~mnatien proceedings. Depefl~ng ~ value, ~e Departmen! ~ require a detaited apprdisal mpmt, <br /> abbreviated app'aisal repopt, m' written finolng d value. The appmisaJ VA'II be <br />D. if a palpal tak~g would leave the owner wi~l an una:a'x~c refl'mant, the sulxnitted to II~e DeParlment f°r review unless e~qem~ise ri°ted m' requested' A <br />sponsor shal alfa' to acquke Itm entke property, detmted apprakal is required la' aJI p~ecls invok'klg the donation ol reat ProPertY <br /> or interests therein. <br /> E. Iff deten~ning the boundaries of a project, the sponsm' should take into <br /> <br /> area, h addiion to enginee~g and other factors. <br /> ~ report on any individual pi'opedy may varf de~en(~g upen ~le t'y~e ol <br /> 2. n~,,,,,~,,e,,,,.~ C..~naa~y, the market value standard will ba used as pmpedyunde~appmisal. Addif~:maJ data may be mquimdinthec~edl~ <br /> the basic rneasure olTRPAas.fistance on acquisitim~s. 'IRpA assistance shallbe speciar~zed pmper~es. Items maybe delaed asin Ihe case ol laAd'.aluatk~only. <br /> <br /> capitaJ costsandv~nen e~qe~per~ent conditions aremet, a,nydegreeollengterm 6~e mp~ unless othenvise requested and agreed Io by the Depadma~ ard <br /> interest in reel propaly can be considered I~ malching aid, whe~er purchased bY omissions must be explained by r'arrative. <br /> ~ donated to 6~e project sponsa'. Progerly documented cests ol severance <br /> damage ma), be matched. Severance damage is the dlminulion in value ol the The Appraisal Ret3od shoutd cever the Iollowing: <br /> mmaining tarid due to lhe pa~ticular land taken and is mnsidemd to be an inhe~e~ 1 C,.nnrh.',i~,tr.A,",~m*','.n~ prq)ertyowners(a'adesignatedrepmse~ative) <br /> part d just compensation. 11~e onlyincidentaJ costs olacquisifionwhich may be ( ) ..... <br /> matchedamap~landboundmysurveycosls, shall be a~ an opportunity to accompany the appraisem duling <br /> inspec6ml o! I~e property. The ap~_aisal report shall [ndicat8 wheb'ler o~ not <br /> payments shallbe made o~y afte' Ihe Project Agmemen{ has been execuied f(x ovma. ot mpresa'~athe accompar~',d Ihe a~xaiser. <br /> the proiect Involved (2) c. ~Lir-,~qtL.~A~: Statem~n[ of qualifications of all appraisers and/or <br /> 3. r~..,,.h~,mt a~i,~, nn A~..~.,E... n.,.,.-,~ 'i'he Dep~ne~ will <br /> may also be checked to determine whether they adequately serve ~e pulpose~ (3) . _ ' . The appraiser should provide dear ce~dse <br /> <br /> htended fo~ It~em. Addi~'~al idom~a~ion inctuc~g a new appraisal may be sta~eme~[s of all assumptions, ir~k~t~ the follening specifics: <br /> required when clrcumslances so warrant. <br /> [a) ~q~at ~e ~lle to the prope~ is marketable, <br /> <br /> 4. W=i~ ~f Ra?dmn~nln The C~parlment may waive any of its <br /> docurne~tal~on ~- payment requirements upon request a ~oon its own ini0at~ (b) That ~e aopraiser ass~es no mspo~oilit'/lot regal matters, and <br /> when in the opinion ol the Department a requirement is no~ ~sitatad by law <br /> and does flot reduce anyprotecti~o~s provided by the Grants Uanual. When sud~ (c) Thatalldatatumishedbyo~asarepmsumedconect- <br /> a waber is g~ven, the Department resewes Ihe dght to establish suitable and <br /> reasonaUe corflitions under which the waiver may be opera,Ye. (4) p~a~,n~ a r~n A.?rainni '1~is shall include a definition of all values required <br /> and appraised. <br /> <br /> <br />