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Regular Council Meeting <br />March 11, 2013 <br />Page 5 <br />and they were annexed in 1998. Council Member Grossnickle said he understood that the law <br />changed in 1999, and that municipalities did not have to provide water and sewer if property was <br />annexed prior to 1999. Council Members Grossnickle and Frierson expressed concern about <br />shrinking the city limits. Mayor Hashmi asked staff to explore other areas in which to help the <br />Hudgens. Council Member Wright said they should provide service, reduce rates or disannex the <br />property. Mr. Godwin said he understood folks were frustrated and wanted to give Council time <br />to think about this and for staff to assist them with research or whatever else they may need. Mr. <br />Godwin said he thought they needed to look at this globally. Mr. McIlyar pointed out that a <br />former Council did not annex these parcels one at a time, but rather by much larger tracts. He <br />said the annexation law was not set up to be a piece meal process and reiterated Mr. Godwin <br />with regard to studying this from a global view. Council Member Grossnickle suggested they <br />table this item. <br />A Motion to table this item was made by Mayor Hashmi and seconded by Council <br />Member Lancaster. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />17. Receive, discuss and provide direction to city staff on an application for disannexation <br />filed by Clint Spencer. <br />City Clerk Janice Ellis said staff had received an application for disannexation and the <br />basis of the request was lack of city services. Ms. Ellis reported that this property consisted of <br />6.25 acres located at the corner of Wildwood Lane and was an unimproved piece of property. <br />She said the City provided fire protection, police protection and trash service. She said the City <br />did not provide water or sewer to the property, but that water was available from the City <br />through a county water line. <br />Council Member Grossnickle said this property was not a part of the original Wildwood <br />Lane. Council Member Frierson confirmed it was an unimproved piece of property. Council <br />Member Grossnickle said it was in an area in which could result in a domino effect thus there <br />was the potential of losing fourteen or fifteen houses from the city if they continue disannexing <br />property. Council Member Lancaster suggested they look at this property when they bring the <br />other two properties back for consideration. <br />A Motion to table this item was made by Council Member Lancaster and seconded by <br />Council Mayor Hashmi. Motion carried, 7 ayes — 0 nays. <br />18. Discuss requesting TxDOT funding for construction of hangars at Cox Field Airport. <br />City Engineer Shawn Napier said that the airport had a list of over twenty people who <br />wanted to rent hangar space at the airport and the Airport Advisory Board recommended that a <br />letter of interest be sent to the TxDOT Aviation Division to request grant money. In addition, he <br />