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?rope.sol <br /> Comprehensive Water Distribution System Audit <br /> <br />Services Offered Utility Management <br /> Consulting <br />Carter & Burgess' staff provides comprehensive planning, Carter & Burgess' Management Consulting Services are <br />design, construction management, and management mu[tidisciplinary, integratingalldisciplinesofmanagement <br />consulting services for a wide range of projects critical to including' finance, information systems, administration, <br />municipalities. In addition, our firm utilizes state-of-the- engineering, and operations and maintenance. Our staff <br />art computer capabilities to support these planning and offers strong technical competence by combining industry <br />design efforts. Discussionsofthespecificareasofprofessionol experiencefrompublicworks, ufllih/andfinancedeportments <br />serviceswhichmightbeofinteresttoyouoreprovidedbelow, with senior consultants from "Big 5" accounting and <br /> consulting firms. Our approach is to add value to your <br />Water System overalloperations. ManagementconsuJtingse~vicesoffered <br />Carter & Burgess has successfully completed a wide range of by Carter & Burgess include the following: <br />planning and design projects in water infrastructure. Our <br />design professionals have a proven track record on both Opera'cions Management <br />small and large multidiscipline projects including water * Diagnostic Reviews/ManagementAudits <br />supply, treatment, storage and distribution. Specificservices '~' Organizational and Staffing <br />offered bythe Carter & Burgesswaterdesign group include * Process Re-Engineering <br />the following: * Benchmarking <br /> · Performance Measurements <br />Planning and Studies '~' Merger/RegionaJizatJon <br />· Water Supply and Utilization Studies '~' Outsourcing <br />· WaterQualilyAssessments * Continuouslmprovement <br />· WaterMasterPlanning * Training <br />· FacilityPlanningandDesignReports <br />· PiJot-scaleTesting and Evaluation Financial Management <br />· ConductingTracerStudies * Financial Planning andAnalysis <br />· Permiltingand RegulatoryApprovots '~' EinanciaJModeJing <br />'~' PipeJineAlignmentStudies * PricingofServices/RateStudies <br />· Environmental lmpadAnely~es * CostMeasurements <br /> · Capital Recovery Fees <br />Water System Design Services ~ Conservation Programs <br />~ Steady-stateComputerModeling * GASB34Compliance <br />· SurgeModetingandContmJ <br />'~' CorrosionAssessmentandControJ Information Technology <br />· Elevated and Ground Storege Tank Design * System Planning and Procurement <br />'~' Pump Station Design * WeJ]-BasedApplications <br />· WaterTreatmentPlantDesign '~' Systemslntegration <br />· WaterTransmissionMain Design <br />· ' Water System Controls and Telemetry <br />· Preparation of 0 & M Manuals <br />· Facility Start-Up and Training <br /> <br />Carter Burgess <br /> <br /> <br />